Further Reading
Turbidites appear to be, by far, e most abundant kind of ancient deep-sea
sedimentary rocks. Turbidites commonly display repetitive, well-bedded succes
sions of thin, graded units that are often referred to as rhythmites. Such succes
sions are also called flysch facies. Figure 10.22 is a fairly typical example of
ythmically bedded turbidites. This exposure is part of the Canning Formaon
(early Te rtiary), which crops out in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeast
Alaska. The deposits shown in this outcrop consist of shale and siltstone, with
generally thin beds of fine-grained sandstone. Many of the sandstone beds display
graded bedding (Bouma sequences) and groove and flute casts are common on the
bases of sandstone beds. These turbidites formed at water depth estimated to be
about 1200 m (ANWR Assessment Te am, 1999). Additional description of both an
cient and modern turbidites can be found in Mutti (1992), the excellent compendi
volume edited by Pickering et al., (1995), and in Bouma and Stone (2000).
Siliciclastic Shelf Systems
Bergman, K. M., and J. W. Snedden (eds.), 1999, Isolated shallow
marine sand bodies: Sequence stratigraphic analysis and sed
imentologic interpretation: SEPM Special Publication No. 64,
p. 13-28.
De Batist, M. D., and P. Jacobs (eds.), 1996, Geology of siliciclastic
shelf seas: Geol Society London Spec. Pub!. 117, Geol. Soc.
Pub!. House, Bath, UK, 345 p.
Fleming, B. W., and A. Bartholoma (eds.), 1995, Tidal signatures
in modern and ancient sediments: Inteational Association
Sedimentologists Spec. Pub!. 24, Blackwell Science, Ltd.,
ford, 358 p.
MacDonald, D. I. M. (ed.), 1991, Sedimentation, tectonics and eu
stasy: Sea-level changes at active margins: Internat. Assoc.
Sedimentologists Spec. Pub. 12, Blackwell, Oxford, 518 p.
Pedlosky, J., 1996, Ocean circulation theory: Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 453 p.
Reading, H. G. (ed.), 1996, Sedimentary environments: Process
es, facies and stratigraphy, 3rd ed.: Blackwell Science Ltd.,
Oxford, 688 p.
Smith, G. G., G. E. Reinson, B. A. Zaitlin, and R. A. Rahmani,
1991, Clastic tidal sedimentology: Canadian Soc. Petroleum
Geologists Mem. 16, 387 p.
Swift, D. J. , G. Oertel, R. W. Tillman, and J. A. Thorne (eds.),
1991, Shelf sand and sandstone bodies, Geometry, facies and
sequence stratigraphy: International Association of Sedimen
tologists Spec. Publ. 14, Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Oxford, 532 p.
Wilgus, C. K., B. S. Hastings, C. G. St. C. Kendall, H. W. Posamen
tier, C. A. Ross, and J. C. Van Wagoner (eds.), 1988, Sea-level
changes: An integrated approach: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists
and Mineralogists Spec. Pub. 42, 407 p.
Wright, L. D., 1995, Morphodynamics of inner continental
shelves: CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla., 241 p.
Continental Slope and Deep-sea Systems
Bouma, A. H., W. R. Normark, and N. E. Barnes (eds.), 1985, Sub
marine fans and related turbidite systems: Springer-Verlag,
New Yo rk, 351 p.
Bouma, A. H., and C. G. Stone (eds.), 2000, Fine-grained turbidite
systems: AAPG Memoir 72 and SEPM Special Publication
No. 68, 342 p.
Hartley, A. and D. J. Prosser ( eds.), 1995, Characterization of
deep marine clastic systems: Geological Society Special Pub!.
94, Geological Society, London, 247 p.
Mutti, E., 1992, Tu rbidite sandstones: Agip, Instituto di Geologia,
Universita di Parma, Milan, 275 p.
Nowell, A. R. M. (ed.), 1991, Deep ocean transport: Marine Geol
ogy, v. 89, no. 3/4, p. 275-460.
Osboe, R. H. (ed.), 1991, From shoreline to abyss: Contribu
tions in marine geology in honor of Francis Parker Shepard:
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Spec. Pub. No. 46,
320 p.
Pedlosky, J., 1996, Ocean circulation theory: Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 453 p.
Pickering, K. T., R. N. Hiscott, N. H. Kenyon, Ricci Lucchi, and
R. D. A. Smith (eds.), 1995, Atlas of deep water environments:
Architectural style in turbidite systems: Chapman and Hall,
London, 333 p.
Saxov, S., and J. K. Nieuwenhuis (eds.), 1982, Marine slides and
other mass movements: Plenum Press, New Yo rk, 353 p.
Siebold, E., and W. H. Berger, 1996, e sea floor: An introduc
tion to marine geology, 3rd ed.: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 356 p.
Stow, D. A. (ed.), 1992, Deep-water turbidite systems: Interna
tional Association Sedimentologists Reprint Series, V. 3,
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 473 p.
Stow, D. A. V., and J-C. Faugeres (eds.), 1998, Contourites, tur
bidites and process interaction: Sedimentary Geology, v. 115,
386 p. (Special Issue)
Stow, D. A. V., J-C. Faugeres, A. Viana, and E. Gonthier, 1998, Fos
sil contourites: A critical review: Sedimentary Geology, v. 115,
P· 3-31.
We imer, P., and M. H. Link (eds.), 1991, Seismic facies and sedi
mentary processes of submarine fans and turbidite systems:
Sprger-Verlag, New York, 447 p.
Winn, R. D., Jr., and J. M. Armentrout (eds.), 1995, Turbidites and
associated deep-water facies: SEPM Core Workshop No. 20,
SEPM (Soc. for Sed. Geol.}, Tu lsa, Okla., 176 p.