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269 p.
Whateley, M. K. G., and K. T. Pickering (eds.), 1989, Deltas-Sites
and traps for fossil fuels: GeoL Soc. London Pub. 41,
Blackwell, Oxford, 360 p.
Beach and Barrier-Island Systems
Davis, R. A., Jr. (ed.), 1994, Geology of Holocene barrier island
systems: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 464 p.
Davis, R. A., Jr., 1997, The evolving coast: Scientific American Li
brary, A division of HPHLP, New Yo rk, 233 p.
Hardisty, J., 1990, Beaches Form and process: Unw Hyman,
London, 324 p.
Komar, P. D., 1998, Beach processes and sedimentation, 2nd ed.:
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 544 p.
Oertel, G. , and S. Leatherman (eds.), 1985, Barrier islands:
Marine Geology, v. 63, p. 1-396.
Pilkey, 0. H., 1983, The beaches are moving: Duke University
Press, Durham, N.C., 336 p.
Further Reading
Estuarine and Lagoonal Systems
Ashlev, G. M. (ed.), 1988, e hydrodynamics and sedimentol
ogy of a back-barrier lagoon-salt marsh system, Great Sound,
New Jersey: Marine Geology, v. 82, p. 1-132.
Kjerfve, B. (ed.), 1994, Coastal lagoon processes: Elsevier, Ams
terdam, 577 p.
Mehta, A. J. (ed.), 1993, Nearshore and estuarine cohesive sedi
ment transport: American Geophysical Union, Wa shington
D.C., 581 p.
ordstrom, K. , and C. T. Roman (eds.), 1996, Estuarine shores:
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 486 p.
Perillo, G. M. E. (ed.), 1995, Geomorphology and sedimentology
of estuaries, Developments in Sedimentology 53: Elsevier Sci
ence B.V., Amsterdam, 471 p.
Prandle, D. (ed.), 1992, Dynamics and exchanges in estuaries and
the coastal zone: American Geophysical Union, Washington
D.C., 647p.
dai-Aat Systems
Alexander, C. R., R. A. Davis, and J. Henry (eds.), 1998,
Tidalites: Processes and products: SEPM Special Publication
No. 61, 171 p.
Black, K. S., D. M. Paterson, and A. Cramp (eds.), 1998, Sedimen
tary processes in the intertidal zone: Geological Society Spec.
Pub!. 139, e Geologal Society, London, 409 p.
Eisma, D., P. L. de Boer, G. C. Cadee, K. Dijkema, H. Rid
derinkhof, and C. Philippart, 1998, Intertidal deposits: River
mouths, tidal flats, and coastal lagoons: CRC Press, Boca
Raton, 524 p.
Flemming, B. W., and A. Bartholo
a (eds.), 1995,
Tidal signa
tures in modern and ancient sediments, Internatwnal Associ
ation of Sedimentologists Spec. Pub. 24, Blackwell Science,
Oxford, 358 p.
Hardie, L. A., and E. A. Shinn, 1986, Carbonate depositional en
vironments modem and ancient-Part 3: Tidal flats: Col
orado School of Mines Quarterly, v. 81, No. 1, 74 p.
Open University Course Team, 1989, Waves, tides and shallow
water processes: Pergamon Press, Oxford, 187 p.
Smith, D. G., G. E. Reison, B. A. Zaitl, and R. A. Rahmani (eds.),
1991, Clastic tidal sedimentology: Canadian Soc. Petroleum
Geologists Mem. 16, 307 p.