Chapter lO I Siliciclastic Marine Environments
Modem continental slopes are gashed to various degrees by submarine
canyons oriented approximately normal to the shelf break (see Fig. 10.16, 10.19),
which provide accessways for turbidity currents moving across the slope. Most sub
marine canyons have their heads near the slope break and do not cross the shelf;
however, a few major canyons on modem shelves extend onto the shelf and head up
ve close to shore. Some large canyons also extend seaward beyond the base of the
slope to form deep-sea annels that may meander over the nearly flat ocean floor
for hundreds of lometers. The Toyama Deep a Channel in the Japan a, for ex
ample, winds its way across the seaoor from the mouth of the Toyama Trough for
approximately 500 before emptying onto the Japan a abyssal plain.
The origin of submarine canyons has been debated since the early part of the
twentieth century (Pickering, Hiscott, and Hein, 1989, p. 134-136). Although
downcutting by rivers that extended across the shelf during periods of lowered
sea level may have initiated the formation of some canyons on the shelf, turbidity
currents are the main agents of canyon cutting on the slope and deeper seaoor.
Canyon development may be initiated by local slope failure (slumping), followed
by headward growth of erosional scars. Turbidity currents are erosive in their ini
tial stages and thus can deepen and lengthen the incipient canyons over time,
aided by further slumping on the upper part of the slope. The locations and
shapes of some submarine canyons may have been influenced by the presence of
faults and folds (Green, Clarke, and Kennedy, 1991 ).
Continental Rise and Deep Ocean Basin
The continental rise and deep ocean basin encompass that part of the ocean lying
below the base of the continental slope. To gether, they make up about 80 percent
of the total ocean seafloor. The deeper part of the ocean seaward of the continental
slope is divided into two principal physiographic components: the deep ocean
floor, which is characterized by the presence of abyssal plains, abyssal hills (vol
canic hills <1 km high), and seamounts (volcanic peaks > 1 high); and oceanic
ridges. Off passive contental margins, a continental rise (Fig. 10.1) is present at
the base of the slope. The continental rise is a gently sloping surface that leads
gradually onto the deep ocean oor and is built in part from submarine fans ex
tending seaward from the foot of the slope. It commonly has little relief other than
that resulting from incised submarine canyons and protruding seamounts. Conti
nental rises are generally absent on convergent or active margins whe subduc
tion is taking place, such as along much of the Pacific margin. margins of this
type, a long, arcuate deep-sea trench commonly lies at
the foot of the continental
slope, and the rise is absent. Trenches in less active subduction zones, such as
along the Oregon-Washington coast, may be filled with sediment. Abyssal plains
are extensive, nearly flat areas punctuated here and there by seamounts. Some
plains are also cut by deep-sea channels, as mentioned. Mid-ocean ridges
extend across some 60,000 km of the modern ocean and overall make up about
30-35 percent of the area of the ocean. Mid-ocean ridges are particularly promi
nent in the Atlantic, where they rise about 2.5 above the abyssal plains on ei
ther side. Rocks on these ridges are predominantly volcanic; the ridges are cut by
numerous transverse fractu zones along which significant lateral displacements
may be apparent. Ridges play a crucial role in the seafloor spreading process, but
they are not particularly active areas of sedimentaon. They do have a very im
portant effect on circulation of deep bottom currents in the ocean and thus have an
indirect effect on sedimentation in the deep ocean.
nanspo and Depositional Processes to and within Deep Wa ter
sedimt deposited deeper water, other than wind-blown sediment, orig
inates on the shelf and must make its way across the shelf (Fig. 10.5, 10.14) to get