3 Chapter 10 I Siliciclastic Marine Environments
cyclic changes in thickness that may represent neap-tide and spring-tide varia
tions in tidal current velocity.
Tidal-current velocity decreases with water depth; thus, tidal-cuent trans
port is most important in shallow water. Tidal-current velocities ranging up to
about 2 m/ s have been measured in some enclosed basins-the Bay of Fundy, for
example. Tidal currents on some shelves, such as those around the British Isles,
have velocities that may exceed 1.5 m/s; however, tidal velocities on most shelves
are less than about 1 m/s. Even so, close to the seabed many tidal currents are
strong enough to rework and transport significant quantities of sand and possibly
gravel. On the other hand, tidal-current velocities on some shelves are so low that
they are below the threshold velocities required for sediment entrainment and
transport. Much of the movement of sediment by tidal currents occurs when tidal
currents are aided by wave action. The orbital motion of waves may be sufficit
to lift grains off the seaoor, which are then transported some distance by currents
too weak to move the grains unaided (Komar, 1976; The Open University Te am,
1989). An outstanding example of a modem shelf dominated by strong tidal cur
rents is under the North Sea, which lies between the United Kingdom and the
coasts of Denmark and Norway.
Sediments of Tide-Dominated Shelves
As discussed, tide-dominated shelves are distinguished by the presence of tidal
currents with velocities ranging from about 50 to more than 150 cm/s. Modern ex
amples include the North Sea; the Korea Bay of the Yellow Sea; the Gulf of Cam
bay, India; the shelf around the British Isles; Georges Bank in the outer part of the
Gulf of Maine; and the northern Australia shelf. Tide-dominated shelves are char
acterized particularly by sand bodies of various types and dimensions. Large sand
waves (dunes) a few meters to more than 20 m high with wave lengths of tens to
hundreds of meters typically occur in elds that may cover areas of 15,000 km
more. Sand waves may have symmetrical cross-sectional shapes if produced by
tidal currents with equal ebb and flood peak speeds; however, asymmetrical
shapes caused by unequal ebb and flood velocities are more common (Belderson,
Joson, and Kenvon, 1982). Tidal sand ridges similar to the shelf sand ridges p
sent on wave- and storm-dominated shelves are also common. For example, such
covering areas up to 5000 km
, have been reported from the North a
shelf (e.g., Swift, 1975). In addition to sand waves and shelf sand ridges, tide
dominated shelves also include sand sheets, sand patches, and gravel sheets, all
charactezed by small-scale bedforms, and patches of bioturbated muds in areas
sheltered from tidal currents and waves (Stride et a!., 1982).
Because most of the shelf is constantly covered by water, the characteristics
of sand waves, sand ridges, and other bedforms on modern shelves must be stud
ied largely by indirect methods. Small-scale bedforms can be observed and pho
tographed by divers or by remote-controlled cameras. Larger bedforms are
invesgated by sonar bottom-profiling and side-scan sonar techniques (e.g.,
Belderson, Johnson, and Kenyon, 1982). Small-scale, inteal sedimentary struc
tures can be studied in cores of bottom sediment, and sub-bottom seismic prol
ing methods, described Chapter 13, may be used to study some large-scale
features such as bedding. None of these methods allows detailed examination of
modern shelf structures. The idealized distribution of bedforms along e
ment transport path on tide-dominated shelves is illustrated in Figure 10.8. At
high tidal velocities of about 150 cm/s, the seafloor may be eroded, leaving fur
rows and gravel waves. With progressively diminishing velocity farther down the
transport path, eroded sediments are deposited to form flow-parallel sand rib
bons, large dunes, small dunes, a rippled sand sheet, and finally sand patches.
Sand ridges may form in the dune belt if enough sand is present.