Chapter 9 I Marginal-Marine Environments
bar may be reworked into a ries of linear tidal ridges that replace e bar and ex
tend from within the channel mouth out onto the subaqueous delta-front platform.
The modern Ganges-Brahmaputra delta is a well-known example (Michels
et a!., 1998; Goodbred and Kuehl, 2000) of a tide-dominated delta (Fig. 9.. The
areal size of this delta is more than three times that of the Mississippi delta. It has
a mean river discharge about twice that of the Mississippi and an exceedingly high
discharge during the monsoon season when extreme ooding is common. Mean
tidal range is large, about 4 m, and tidal currents can as strong as 3.8 m/s
(Michels et a!., 1998); wave energy is relatively low. Sand transport is tense dur
ing the monsoon season, leading to deposition of sandy deposits similar to th
in braided streams. The delta is characterized by tidal-flat environments, natural
levees, and floodbasins in which fine sediment is deposited from suspension. The
strong tidal influence is manifested by a network of tidal sand bars and channels
oriented roughly parallel to the direction of tidal current flow (Fig. 9.7 A, B). Ava
riety of sediment types thus accumulate on the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta, such
as tidal-bar or tidal-ridge sands; braided, channel-fill sands; and natural levee,
tidal-flat, and oodbasin muds. The Ord Delta (Timor Sea, Australia) provides an
other example of a mode delta largely dominated by tidal processes (Fig. 9.3).
Wave-Dominated Deltas
Strong waves cause rapid diffusion and deceleration of river outflow and produce
constricted or deflected river mouths. Distributary-mouth deposits are reworked
by waves and are redistributed along the delta front by longshore currents to fo
wave-built shoreline features such as beaches, barrier bars, and spits. A smth
delta front, consisting of well-developed, coalescent beach ridges, may eventually
The Paraiba do Sui delta of Brazil (Fig. 9.8) displays many of the characteris
tic features of wave-dominated deltas. The Rio Paraiba do Sui coastal plain con
sists of Pleistocene and Holocene littoral marine sediments and Holocene fluvial
and lagoonal sediments (Martin et al., 1987). Ti dal range over the delta is moderate
(mesotidal); however, wave energy is extremely high. Sediment discharge from
the river is high and middle-ground bars are common at the mouth of the river.
diment is transported at high rates across the mouth, from west to east, leading
to development of amalgamated, sandy beach ridges (Bhattacharya and Giosan,
2003). Owing to
this extreme wave energy, the Paraiba do Sui delta is dominated
by high-energy environments in which sand deposition takes place. Muds accu
mulate locally in lagoons, but the interdistributary bay mud deposits characteris
tic of the Mississippi delta are absent. Paraiba do Sui delta deposits are dominated
by beach-ridge barrier sands that cover much of the delta surface adjacent to the
Other examples of modern wave-dominated deltas include the Skeidarar
Sandur (Iceland, North Atlantic), the Punta Gorda (Belize, Gulf of Honduras), as
shown in Figure 9.3, the Tseng-wen (southwest Taiwan; Liu et a!., 2003), and the
Sao Francisco (Brazil; Dominguez, Martin, and Bittencourt, 1987; Dominguez,
1996), often cited as the classic example of a wave-dominated delta. Several addi
tional examples, from the Black Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Mediterranean Sea, South At
lantic, Bay of Bengal, and the Thyrrenian Sea, are discussed by Bhattacharya and
Giosan (2003).
Mixed-Process Deltas
The examples discussed above illustrate some differences in characteristics of
modern deltas that are shaped by processes that are predominantly fluvial, tidal,
or wave-related. Many deltas have characteristics that are transitional between
these "end-member" types. The Copper River delta in the Gulf of Alaska (Fig. 9.9)