Chapter 13 I Seismic, Sequence, and Magnetic Stratigraphy
power. The frequency of seismic waves is induced by the particular energy sound
source used to create the waves. As the waves pass downward through subsurface
formations and are reflected back to the surface, the initial induced frequency is
attenuated by bed thickness, which controls the spacing of reflectors. Thus, atten
uations of the initial induced frequency of seismic waves is related to bedding
characteristics. Frequency is also affected by lateral changes in uid content of
beds (the presence of hydrocarbon accumulations, for example) and by lateral
thickness changes in beds.
Inteal velocity refers to the average velocity of seismic waves between re
flectors. Seismic wave velocity is affected by several factors, especially porosity,
density, external pressure, and pore (uid) pressure. Porosity has a particularly
significant effect on velocity, which increases as porosity decreases. Thus, because
porosity commonly decreases with depth, velocity increases with depth. Ve loci
also increases with density of the rocks and with increasing overburden pressure.
For example, the velocity for a typical sandstone increases from about 4 km/s at
the surface to more than 5 km/ s at a depth of 5000 m. Velocity decreases wi in
creasing interstitial fluid pressure; the presence of gas at low saturations e
pore spaces of the rocks also causes a decrease in velocity. Seismic velocity is of
particular interest because of the possibility at different rock types, which are
characterized by different densities, porosities, pore fluid pressures, and other
characteristics, can be differentiated on the basis of seismic velocity.
exteal fo or geometry of stratigraphic bodies that generate seismic
reflections can be interpreted from seismic data (e.g., Fig. 13.13). Thus, these data
can be used to identify "seismic facies/' which may be interpreted in terms of de
positional environments of the lithologic analogs of these seismic facies. This pro
cedure of interpreting the external form of stragraphic packages from seismic
data is part of the process of seismic facies analysis, which also provides informa
tion on sediment source and geologic setting, including major facies changes. Seis
mic facies analysis is an extremely important aspect of seismic stratigraphy and is
discussed in greater detail in the following paragraphs.
Procedures in Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis
The significance of the seismic stratigraphic approach to the study of subsurface
sedimentary rocks lies in the fact that it permits geologists and geophysicists to in
terpret stratigraphic relationships and depositional processes as well as to use seis
mic data for conventional structural mapping. Interpretation is a subjective
process, but when seismic stratigraphic analysis is pursued in a logical manner
and interpretation is based upon analogy with established stratigraphic and depo
sitional models that have been generated by other types of studies, seismic stra
graphic analysis becomes an extremely valuable tooL Seismic stratigraphy can
thus provide insight into such stratigraphic and depositional factors as lithofacies
changes, relief and topography of unconformities, paleobathymetry (depth rela
tionships and topography of ancient oceans), geologic time correlations, deposi
tional history, and subsidence and tilting history (burial history). The procedures
for interpreting stratigraphy from seismic data involve three principal stages: seis
mic sequence analysis, seismic facies analysis, and interpretation of depositional
environments and lithofacies (Vail, 1987). Seismic stratigraphic analysis is applied
also to interpretation of ancient sea-level changes.
Seismic Sequence Analysis
term sequence is often used informally by geologists to refer to any grouping
or succession of strata. Sequence is also used in a more restricted sense to idenfy
disnctive stratigraphic units that are commonly bounded by unconformities (i.e.,
similar to allostratigraphic units, described in Appendix C). Sloss (1963) considered