Chapter 13 I Seismic, Sequence, and Magnetic Stratigraphy
Environmental Applications
Sequence stratigraphic concepts were originally applied primarily to analysis of
siliciclastic sediments deposited along continental margins, because these silici
clastic environments are particularly affected by cycles of relative sea-level
change. As sea level swings from highstand to lowstand, a succession of system
tracts are laid down, as documented in Figure 13.1 7. Subsequently, attempts have
been made to extend the concepts of sequence stratigraphy to carbonate and evap
orite environments, deep-sea environments, epicontinental (cratonic) marine en
vironments, and even fluvial systems (see Emery and Meyers, 1996; Witzke,
Ludvigson, and Day, 1996; Vincent, Macdonald, and Gutteridge, 1998; Coe,
2003). Although extending sequence-stratigraphy techniques to these environ
mental settings is apparently possible, important differences exist between sedi
mentation patterns in these environments and the siliciclastic marine shelf-slope
For example, the rate of production of carbonate sediment in carbonate envi
ronments is typically much higher than the rate of accumulation of siliciclastic sedi
ment in siliciclastic settings. Consequently, the rate of carbonate producon generally
exceeds the rate at which accommodation is created, causing the basins to fill to
level and generating a shallowing-upward succession of facies (Chapter 11). There
fore, the pattern of system tracts in carbonate sediments may not be quite the same
as that in siliciclastic sequences. Also, sequence boundaries are commonly more
difficult to distinguish in carbonate successions than in siliciclastic deposits. Fur
thermore, the eects of subaerial exposure on carbonate platforms depends on eli·
mate. Humid climates will cause widespread dissolution and reprecipitation of
carbonate; arid climates will cause less carbonate diagenesis but tend to promote
precipitation of evaporites.
The deep-marine environment is affected far less by changes in relative sea
level of a few hundred meters than is the shelf environment. Nonetheless, sea·
level changes do affect deposition in deep-ocean basins, particularly deposition of
turbidites in submarine fan systems. Ahough submarine fans can develop dur·
ing sea-level highstands, turbidity currents appear more likely to move sediment
from shelf environments to the deep ocean basin during lowstands of sea level
than during highstands (Fig. 13.17). Analysis of deep-marine turbidite systems ap·
pears to be the main application of sequence-stratigraphy methods to the deep-sea
environment (e.g., Emery and Meyers, 1996, p. 178).
Although sequence-satigraphic concepts have been applied to marine epi
continental (cratonic) environments (e.g., Witzke, Ludvigson, and Day, 1996),
problems arise with such applications because of the low rates of subsidence of
cratonic areas. Sloss (1996) points out that vast areas of cratonic platforms appr
to have subsided at rates of 5 m/m.y., or less, for epoch and period-length spans of
time. Under such conditions, the bathometric relief required for clinofos,
downlap surfaces, lowstand tracts, and other characteriscs of basins with a shelf
break are rarely attainable except under special circumstances. Sloss suggests at
meaningful progress is inhibited by forcing cratonic stratigraphy to conform
principles, definitions, and practices developed for a different set of conditions.
Application of sequence-stratigraphic techniques to fluvial systems presen
particular problems because the base level for fluvial sedimentation, and thus ac
commodation, is more difficult to define than that for marine systems. The con
ceptual equilibrium surface that defines the upper limit of accommodation space
(Fig. 13.15) in uvial systems is commonly taken as the graded profile, or profile
of equilibrium, of a stream. (A graded profile is the longitudinal profile of a grad·
ed stream or of a stream whose gradient at every point is just sufficient to enable
the stream to transport the load of sediment made available to it.) The level to
a stream can ultimately grade is called the bayline, which is effectively sea