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Miall, A. 0., 1997, The geology of stratigraphic sequences:
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 433 p.
Pamentier, H. W., and G. P. Allen, 1999, Siliciclastic sequence
stratigraphy-Concepts and Applications: SEPM Concepts in
Sedimentology and Paleontology, Tulsa, Okla., 210 p.
Posamentier, H. W., C. Summerhayes, B. C. Haq, and G. P.
Allen (eds.), 1993, Sequence stratigraphy and facies associa
tions: Inteational Association Sedimentologists Spec. Pub.
18, Blackwe Scientific Publications, Oxford, 4 p.
Van Wagoner, J. C., R. M. Mitchum, K. M. Campion, and D.
Rahmanian, 1990, Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy in well
logs, cores, and outcrops: Concepts for high-resolution corre
lation of time and facies: AAPG Methods in Exploration Series
No. 7, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Tu lsa, Okla., 55 p.
Weimer, P., and H. Posamener (eds.), 1993, Siliciclastic sequence
stratigraphy: Recent developments and applications: Am.
Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Memoir 58, Tu lsa, Okla., 492 p.
Wilgus, C. K., B. S. Hastings, C. G. St. C. Kendall, H. W. Posa
mentier, C. A. Ross, and J. C. Van Wagoner (eds.), 1988, Sea·
level changes: integrated approach: Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists Sc. Pub. 42, Tulsa, Okla.,
407 p.
Further Reading 477
Williams, G. 0., and A Oobb (eds.), 1993, Te ctonics and sequence
stratigraphy: e Geological Society, London, 226 p.
Aissaoui, D. M., D. McNeill, and N. Hurley (eds.), 1993, Ap
plications of paleomagnetism to sedimentary geology: SEPM
Spec. PubL 49, Tulsa, Okla., 216 p.
Berggren, W. A, D. V. Kent, M- Aubry, and J. Hardenbol, 1995,
Geochronology, time scales and global stratigraphic correla
tion: SEPM Spec. Pub. 54, Tulsa, Okla., 386 p.
Butler, R , 1992, Paleomagnetism: Magnetic domains to geolog
ic terranes: Blackwell, Boston, 319 p.
Hail wood, E. A., 1989, Magnetostratigraphy: GeoL Soc. Spec. Re
port 19, Blackwell, Oxford, 84 p.
McElhinny, M. , and P. L McFa dden, 2000, Paleomagnetism:
Continents and oceans: Academic Press, San Diego, 386 p.
Opdyke, N. D., and J. E. Channe, 1996, Magnetic stratigra
Academic Press, San Diego, 346 p.
Salvador, A. (ed.), 1994, Inteational stratigraphic guide: A
guide to stratigraphic classification, terminology, and proce
dure: Inteational Union of Geological Sciences and Geolog
ical Society of America, Inc., 'Irondheim, Norway, 214 p.
Ta rling, D. H., and P. Tuer (s.), 1999, Paleomaetism and di
agenesis in sediments: Geological Society Special Publication
No. 151, London, 214 p.
Tauxe, L., 2002, Paleomagnetic principles and practice: Kluw
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 299 p.
Van der Voo, R., 1993, Paleomagnetism of the Atlantic, Tethys, und
Iapetus Oceans: Cambridge University Press, New Yo rk, 411 p.