Chapter 14 I Biostratigraphy
modern Atlantic Ocean, for example, by way of the main surface currents.
Many workers interpret this ability to become dispersed by pelagic mecha
nisms as being favorable for interpopulation migration and, therefore, gene
flow. Valentine (1977b, p. 145) summarizes the importance of these long-lived
larval forms as follows:
Species with the more long-lived and hardy pelagic larva have the greater
chance to be widely dispersed after reproduction .... Therefore, species
with such atibutes would commonly be able to colonize habitats that lie at
some distance om their parental ranges, and would usually be able to
maintain gene flow to such outly ing populations. Species with shorter
planktonic development periods, smaller broods, or more resicted larval
requirements would tend to colonize only localities that are fairly close to
their parental regions. If a population became established at any consider
able distance om others, gene exchange might be sporadic or lacking alto
gether, leading to divergence between the colonists and the parental popu
lation, and a reduction in their usefulness in correlation.
For a species in a given locality, en, a geographic range exists for
colonization is essentially obligatory, as the region lies within the
normal migratory range of the population; us, by some standard time,
occupation is virtually assured. This can be called the local range.
Each species thus has a potential geographic range that is determined by its
habitat requirements. Few species actually occur throughout their potential
range. Their distribution is restricted owing either to barriers of some type that
prevent their expansion into all areas of suitable habitat or because the species
may not have had time to spread to all suitable areas, especially if barriers are
present. At any given time, there are many regions in the world that could be
colonized by species if they could reach them in appropriate numbers, but
they are barred from reaching them by intervening inhospitable areas. Many
species eventually find ways to broach narrow barriers and perhaps in time
even to cross wider barriers. Once barriers are crossed, or barriers disappear,
the migrant species may find itself in competition for environmental niches
with similar species or similarly adapted species in the new province. In the
face of this competition, either the indigenous species or the migrant species
may become extinct. Alternatively, the less well adapted species could evolve
and become adapted to a different environmental niche. Once a barrier is sur
mounted, the colonizers typically expand their range at the new location until
it is circumscribed by other barriers, filling out their new local range. The in
truding species may subsequently broach still other barriers, hopping from
one habitable region to another across barriers of varying difficulty of penetra
tion and episodically expanding their total species range (Valentine, 1977a).
The broaching of barriers thus leads to expansion of the total range of a
species, although in some cases it may lead to extinction of the species in the
new region or to its evolution to a more adaptable species. On the other hand,
if the opposite situation prevails and a barrier "suddenly" appears and divides
a once-continuous area of suitable habitat, the result is the segregation of the
species into different populations separated by the barrier. The separated pop
ulations would gradually evolve to different species, each with a more re
stricted geographic range than the parent species (Dodd and Stanton, 1981).
Numerous ecological factors can act as barriers to dispersal of organisms,
all of which can be grouped under two major categories: habitat failure, as
when shelf habitats give way to deep-sea condions or to land, and temperature.