Chapter 15 1 Chronostratigraphy and Geologic Time
southeastern Ogon about 6500-7000 years ago, an eruption that subsequently
led to the formation of the Crater Lake caldera, was carried noreastward by
winds and deposited as far away as Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada. Ash
from the May 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens also spread over ousands of
square kilometers east and north of Mt. St. Helens in Washington and Idaho.
Other historic examples of widespread ashfalls include the 1932 eruption of
Quizapu in Chile, an eruption that distributed volcanic ash eastward for 1500
across South America and into e Atlantic Ocean, and the eruption of Perbuatan
Vo lcano at Krakatoa Island, Indonesia, in 1883, an eruption that spread volcanic
dust around the world.
Te phra layers make extremely useful reference points in stratigraphic sec
tions. They provide a means for reliable time-stratigraphic correlation if they are
of suicient lateral and vertical extent and if they can be identified as the product
of a particular volcanic eruption. Identification of individual ash layers or ben
tonite beds can often be made on the basis of petrographic characteristics-types
of mineral grains, rock fragments, glass shards, or other components-or trace-el
ement composition. Ages of these layers may be determined also by radiometric
meods, allowing the layers to be identified and correlated by contemporaneous
age. Tephra
are particularly useful in correlating across marine basins, and
it may even be possible to correlate ash layers in marine basins to well-dated lava
flows or ash
on land, thereby extending marine correlations onto land.
Turbidity currents constitute another type of "instantaneous" geologic event
that can produce tn, widespread deposits (e.g., Einsele, 1998). Turbidites may have
chronostratigrapc sificance if a particular turbidite bed, or succession of beds,
can be dferentiated from other turbidite uts and traced laterally. Unfortunately,
most turbidites commonly consist of rhythmic or cyclic successions of uts that have
very similar appearance and are very diicult to differentiate. us, in practice, the
usefuess of turbidites in time-stratigraphic correlation is rather limited.
Other types of "catastrophic" short-term geologic events include dust
storms that produce fine-grained loess deposits on land or silt-sand layers in ma
rine basins. Storms at sea can stir up and transport sediment on the continent shelf
to produce thin "storm layers" of sand or silt, as discussed in a preceding chapter.
Slower, noncatastrophic depositional conditions also may generate thin, dis
tinctive, widespread stratigraphic marker beds under some depositional condi
tions. Deposition of these beds does not necessarily take place "instantaneously."
Nevertheless, they can be used for time-stratigraphic correlation if they formed as
a result of deposition that took place over a large part of a basin during a relavely
short period of time under essentially uniform depositional conditions. For ex
ample, changes in ocean circulation patterns may bring about anoxic conditions
(Fig. 15.5), leading to widespread deposition of organic-rich black shales. A thin,
widespread limestone bed within a dominantly shale or silt succession implies
deposition of the limestone under conditions that were in effect essentially simul
taneously throughout a geologic province. Such a thin limestone bed within a suc
cession of nonmarine clastic units may represent a brief incursion of marine
conditions into a nonmare environment or the temporary ponding of fresh
water to form a large, shallow lake. Thin limestone units in a thick succession of
marine clastic deposits may indicate shelf carbonate deposition during brief peri
ods when clastic detritus was temporarily trapped in estuaries or deltaic environ
ments and thus prevented from escaping onto the shelf. By contrast, thin
interbeds of sand, clay, or silt in a thick carbonate or evaporite succession may rep
resent temporary incursions of clastic detritus into a carbonate or evaporite basin.
Such incursions may be due to a sudden increase the supply of detritus as a re
sult of tectonic events, periodic flooding on land, or deposition by windstorms or
turbidity currents.