Further Reading
Fire 15.15
meters measured
from cli top
0. 7076 0. 7078
0. 7076 0. 7078
Schematic illustration of cor
relation by
Sr ratios
between two widely sepa
rated hypothetical strati
graphic sections. If the
sections can be established
to have approximately
equivalent ages on the basis
of fossils or other age data,
levels within the stratigraph
ic sections that have identi
Sr ratios formed
at the same time and there
fore correlate. [After
McArthur, J. M., 1998,
Strontium isotope stratigra
phy, in Doyle, P., and M. R.
Bennett (eds.), Unlocking
the stratigraphical record:
Carbonates Clays
l Sandstone
Berggren, A., D. Kent, M-P. Aubry, and J. Hardenbol (eds.),
1995, Geochronology, time scales and global stratigraphic
correlation: SEPM Spec. Pub. 54, Society for Sedimentary Ge
ology, Tu lsa, Okla; 386 p.
Clauer, N., and S. Chaudhuri (eds.), 1992, Isotopic signatures and
sedimentary records: Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 43,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 529 p.
Clifton, H. E. (ed.), 1988, Sedimentological consequences of con
vulsive geologic events: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 229,
157 p.
Dickin, A. P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology: Cambridge Uni
versity Press, Cambridge, 452 p.
Faure, G., 1986, Principles of isotope geology, 2nd ed.: John Wiley
& Sons, New Yo rk, 589 p.
Geyh, M. A., and H. Schleicher, 1990, Absolute age determina
tion: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 503 p.
Harland, W. B., R. L. Armstrong, A. Cox, L. E. Craig, A. G.
Smith, and D. G. Smith, 1990, A geologic time scale 1989, 2nd
ed.: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 263 p.
Hoefs, J., 1997, Sble isotope geochemistry, 4th ed.: Springer-Ver
lag, Berlin, 201 p.
0. Fossils
Advances in modern stratig
raphy: John Wiley & Sons
Ltd., Fig. 8.3, p. 228.]
Odin, G. S. (ed.), 1982, Numerical dang in stratigraphy: John
Wiley & Sons, ew York, Parts I and II, 1040 p.
Shiki, , S. K. Chough, and G. Einsele, 1996, Marine sedimentary
events and their records: Sedimentary Geology, v. 104, 255 p.
[Special Issue]
Snelling, N. J. (ed.), 1985, The chronology of the geological
record: Geol. Soc. Mem. 10, Blackwell, Oxford, 343 p.
Valley, J. W., and D. R. Cole (eds.), 2001, Stable isotope geochem
istry: Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry, v. 43, Miner
alogical Society of America, 662 p.
Vertes, A., S. Nagy, and K. Silvegh (eds.), 1998, Nuclear methods
in mineralogy and geology: Techniques and applations:
Plenum Press, New York, 555 p.
Wa lliser, 0. H. (ed.), 1996, Global events and global event stratig
raphy in the Phanerozoic: Sprger-Verlag, Berlin, 333 p.
Williams, D. , I. Lerche, and W. E. Full, 1988, Isotope chronos
tratigraphy: Theory and methods: Academic Press, San
Diego, 345 p.