5 Sedimentary Phosphorites
appears to be solidifying around the alternate possibility that the iron in major
iron formations was derived by "exhalation" from oceanic rocks (e.g., Gross, 1980;
Simonson, 1985, 2003; Kimberley, 1994; Isley, 1995), although not all geologists
agree with this idea (e.g., Petranek and Van Houten, 1997). Submarine reaction of
lava and hydrothermal activity from hot springs located along mid-
ocean ridges furnished iron to ocean water (Chapter 1), or possibly iron-rich flu-
ids were also exhaled from source regions too deep within the crust or mantle for
seawater convection (Kimberley, 1994). Presumably the ocean at that time was
stratified into an upper, oxygen-rich layer and intermediate-deep oxygen-poor
(anoxic) layers (e.g., Simonson, 2003).
Deep, iron-rich, anoxic oceanic waters are postulated to move upward to
ward the surface along continental shelves because of (1) upwelling (e.g., Button
et al., 1982), (2) spreading laterally as a plume from high-standing mid-ocean
ridges (e.g., Isley, 1995), or (3) explosive exhalation through an ocean into the
atmosphere and subsequent raing of atmospheric precipitates onto the shelf
slope (e.g., Kimberley, 1994). The relative importance of each of these postulated
ansport mechanisms is not known. Once iron-rich waters have moved into the
upper slope-shelf environment, ferrous iron (Fe
-) is oxidized to ferric iron (Fe
and precipitaon occurs. Oxidation can take place in the presence of molecular
oxygen or, putatively, by a photochemical process caused by ultraviolet radiation
in sunlight (e.g., Braterman et al., 1983; An bar and Holland, 1 992).
At ts time, it does not appear possible to apply a single depositional model
to all iron-rich sedimentary rocks of all ages. Although consensus seems to be
emerging that a major source of the iron in iron formations probably lay within
the ocean itself, some iron may have been derived from continental sources, par
ticularly during the early Precambrian. Many puzzling aspects of the formation of
sedimentary iron deposits, particularly banded iron formaons, still remain. Why,
for example, were chert and iron not deposited together as banded iron forma
tions after the Precambrian? Presumably, the silica concentration of Precambrian
seaw ater was much higher than in today's seawater, possibly as high as 60 ppm
(Siever, 1992). But how was the silica precipitated? Coprecipitation with iron
(Ewers, 1983), biogenic inducement (LaBerge, Robbins, and Han, 1987), or evapo
rative concentration and polymerization owing to electrolyte changes (Morris,
1993)? All of this is controversial. And what mechanism or mechanisms produced
e banding? Evaporation of water in restricted basins (Garrels, 1987), periodic
a-level changes that affected the interface between underlying iron-rich seawa
ter and overlying iron-poor seawater (Simonson and Hassler, 1996), or periodic
explosive exhalations through an ocean that subsequently rained iron precipitates
onto the shelf (Kimberley, 1994)? Again, these proposals are controversial. Also,
did low forms of life such as bacteria and algae catalyze or initiate precipitaon of
iron in some manner? If so, how did they cause precipitation, and how important
was such biologic activity? How did the iron-rich ooids that are common in iron
stones form (e.g., Yo ung, 1989)? The origin of iron-rich sedimentary deposits will
likely remain controversial for some time!
The phosphorus content of rocks is usually expressed as percentage P2 05. The av
erage sedimentary rock contains less than one percent P2 05 one-half percent
phosphorus. Sedimentary phosphorites are rocks that are significantly enriched
phosphorus as compared with other types of rocks. Siificantly, in this context,
is commonly taken to mean that they contain more than about 15 percent P20s or