Further Readlng
for asphalts from different areas are shown in Figure 7.29. Asphalts are commonly
associated with active oil seeps.
Asphaltites occ primarily in dikes and veins at cut sediment beds. They are
harder and denser than asphalts and melt at higher temperatures. ey a largely
soluble carbon disulfide. Names applied to varieties of asphaltites that differ
slightly in density, fusibilit and solubility are gilsonite, glance pitch, and grahamite.
robitumins, like asphaltites, occur in dikes and veins but are infusible and
largely insoluble in carbon disulfide. Several varieties of pyrobitumins are recog
nized, which can be placed into two general groups on the basis of hydrogen/ car
bon ratio (Fig. 7.29). Those with H/ C ratios > 1 include elaterite, a soft elastic
substance rather like India rubber, and wurtzlite, also a softer form. More indurat
ed forms are albertite, a black, solid bitumin with a brilliant jetlike luster and con
choidal fracture, and ingramite. The metamorphosed pyrobitumins, impsonite,
anthraxolite, and shungite, are indurated forms that have have H/C ratios <1.
The solid hydrocarbons are of interest to geologists because their presence at
the surface is an indication of petroleum at depth in a region, and because study of
their occurrence may help to solve the problems related to the origin and alter
ation of petroleum. Also, many of the solid hydrocarbons are of commercial value
themselves. (See also Chilingarian and Ye n, 1978; Cornelius, 1987; Meyer, 1987;
and Meyer and De Witt, 1990.)
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Siliceous Sedimentary Roc
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