7. 5 Sedimentary Phosphorites
chlorapatite [Ca5(P04)3Cl], and hydroxyapatite [Ca5(P04)30H]. Most are carbon-
ate hydroxyl fluorapatites in which up to 10 percent carbonate ions can be substi-
tuted for phosphate ions to yield the general formula Ca10(P04, C03)6 These
carbonate hydroxyl fluorapatites are commonly called francolite. The wastebasket
term collophane is often used for sedimentary apatites for which the exact chemi-
cal composition has not been determined. Detrital quartz, authigenic chert (micro-
crystalline quartz), opal-CT, calcite, and dolomite are also common constituents of
many phosphorites. Glauconite, illite, montmorillonite, and zeolites may also be
present in some deposits; moderately abundant organic matter is a characteristic
constituent of many phosphorites (Nathan, 1984).
The chemistry of phosphorites is dominated by phosphorus, silicon (present
in minerals other than apatite), and calcium. Slansky (1986, p. 70) shows that the
abundance of these elements in 20 phosphorites ranging in age from Precambrian
to Holocene is P205 = 22-39 percent; Si02 = <1-25 percent, and CaO = 43-53
percent. Other common constituents include Al203 ( <1-5 percent); Fe203
(<1-4 percent); MgO ( <1-6 percent); NazO ( <1 percent); K20 ( <1 percent);
F (1-4 percent); Cl ( <1 percent); 503 (0-11 percent); and organic carbon (0-2 per
Many trace elements, such as Ag, Cd, Mo, Se, Sr, U, Yu, and , as well as
the rare earth elements may also be present in phosphorites in amounts exceeding
their average compositions in seawater, the crust, and the average shale (Nathan,
1984). See also Notholt, Sheldon, and Davidson (1989) and McClellan and Van
Kauwenbergh (1990).
Distinguishing Characteristics
Phosphate-rich sedimentary rocks may occur in layers ranging from in lami
nae a few millimeters thick to beds a few meters thick. Some phosphate succes
sions such as the Phosphoria Formation of the Idaho-Wyoming area may reach
several hundred meters in thickness, although such successions are not com
posed entirely of phosphate-rich rocks. Phosphorites are generally interbedded
with shales, cherts, limestones, dolomites, and, more rarely, sandstones. Phos
phatic rocks commonly grade regionally into nonphosphatic sedimentary rocks
of the same age.
Phosphorites have textures that resemble those in limestones. Thus, they
may be made up of peloids, ooids, fossils (bioclasts), and clasts that are now com
posed of apatite. Some phosphorites lack distinctive granular textures and are
composed instead of fine, micrite-like, textureless collophane. The phosphatic
grains may contain inclusions of organic matter, clay minerals, silt-size detrital
gra ins, and pyrite. Peloidal or pelletal phosphorites are particularly common;
oolitic phosphorites are somewhat less so. Phosphatized fossils or fragments of
original phosphatic shells are important constituents of some deposits. Most
phosphorite grains are sand size, although particles greater than 2 mm may be
present. These larger grains, referred to as nodules, can range in size to several
ts of centimeters.
Because the textures of phosphorites have such close resemblance to those of
limestones, some geologists suggest using modified limestone classifications to
distinguish different kinds of phosphorites. For example, Slansky (1986) advo
cates using a classification system based to some extent on Folk's (1962) limestone
classication, and Cook and Shergold (1986b) and Trappe (2001) suggest adapting
Dunham's 1962 carbonate classification (modified by Embry and Klovan, 1971) for
use in describing phosphorites. Using these modified classifications thus yields
names such as wackestone phosphorite (Cook and Shergold) and phosdast
wackestone (Trappe).