Chapter 7 I Other Chemical/Biochemical and Carbonaceous Sedimentary Rocks
evaporite deposits (Schreiber, Tu cker, and Till, 1986). Therefore, evaporite de
posits may display clastic textures, including both normal and reverse size
grading and various types of sedimentary structures such as cross-bedding and
ripple marks.
Diagenesis of Eva
As menoned, most buried evaporite deposits older than about twenty-five mil
lion years have undergone diagenetic alteration. Gypsum is converted to anhy
drite with burial, particularly above 60°C, with a volume loss (from water loss) of
about 38 percent. If exhumation subsequeny occurs, aydrite will hydrate to
gypsum, with accompanying increase in volume. These volume changes are in
part responsible for the formation of nodules and enterolithic structure. Also,
evaporite deposits respond to burial and tectonic pressures by plastic deforma
tion, which destroys original sedimentary structures. Further, deformation can re
sult in folding and diapirism that create large-scale salt diapers (penetration
structures) or salt domes that can rise through sediment for more than 5 km (e.g.,
Jackson, Roberts, and Snelson, 1996). During burial, evaporites may in addition
undergo dissolution, cementation, replacement, and calcitization of sulfates
(Schreiber, 1988; Warren, 1989).
Siliceous sedimentary rocks are fine-grained, dense, very hard rocks composed
predominantly of the Si0
minerals quartz, chalcedony, and opal (in young
rocks), with minor impurities such as siliciclastic grains and diagenetic minerals.
Chert is the general term used for siliceous rocks as a group. Cherts are common
rocks in geologic successions ranging in age from Precambrian to Tertiary; howev
er, they make up only a mor fraction of all sedimentary rocks. They are particu
larly abundant in Jurassic to Neogene (Tertiary) rocks, moderately abundant in
Devonian and Carboniferous rocks, and least abundant in Silurian and Cambrian
deposits (Hein and Parrish, 1987). Geologists are particularly interested in cherts
because of the information they provide about such aspects of Earth history as pa
leogeography, paleooceanographic circulation patterns, and plate tectoni.
Cherts may also have minor economic significance. Silicon is used in the semicon
ductor and computer industries and for making glass and related products su
as fire bricks, although much of this silica may come from quartz sand. Further
more, siliceous deposits occur association with importt economic deposits of
other minerals, such as Precambrian iron ores; uranium, manganese, and phos
phorite deposits; and petroleum accumulations.
Chert is composed maiy of microcrystalline quartz, wi minor chalcedony
and perhaps opal, depending upon age. Cherts can be divided into ree main tex
tural types (Folk, 1974): granular microquartz, consisting of nearly equidimen
sional grains of quartz; average grain size is about 8-10 microns but grain size
may range from <1 to 50 microns (Knauth, 1994); chalcedony (fibrous silica),
formg sheaflike bundles of radiating, extremely thin crystals about 0.1 long;
and megaquartz, composed of equant to elongated grains commonly greater than
20 microns in size.
Figure 7.7 illustrates the texture of microquartz and megaquartz. The silica
that makes up the tests of siliceous organisms is amorphous silica or opal, com
monly called opal-A. Because the remains of siliceous organisms contribute to the
formation of chert, opal A is present in some cherts, particularly those of Te rtiary