Chapter 6 I Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks
Decay of Dead Organisms. Decay of dead organisms also affects pH. Decay can
release various organic acids and carbon dioxide to the water, causing acidity to
increase (pH decreases). On the other hand, some decay products can be alkaline
(pH increases). Alkalinity may be increased because organic matter is degraded
through sulfate reduction by bacteria (e.g., Bernasconi, 1994). Increase in alkalini
ty favors CaC03 precipitation.
Generation of Pellets. As mentioned in Section 6.4, many carbonate peloids a
fecal pellets, generated by organisms such as sea cucumbers, mollusks, and
worms. These organisms ingest calcium carbonate muds to obtain nutrients and
extrude the remains as pellets. This process does not generate new carbonate sed
iments; it merely reshapes the sediment into a few form.
Relative Importance of Inorganic and Organic Precipitation
of Calcium Carbonate
The organic production of sand- and gravel-size skeletal debris has unquestion
ably made a significant contribution to the overall budget of carbonate sediment
throughout Phanerozoic time. The most controversial carbonate deposits, how
ever, are the huge volumes of nonfossiliferous carbonate mud (micrites) present in
both the Precambrian and Phanerozoic stratigraphic record. Did these thick suc
cessions of carbonate muds originate through inorganic processes or did org
participate some way?
interesting phenomenon at may have a bearing on this question is the
formation of whitings in such warm-water areas as the Bahamas, the Persian Gulf,
and the Dead Sea. The sudden appearance of these whitings, which are milky
patches of surface and near-surface water caused by dense concentrations of sus
pended aragonite crystals, has been suggested to result from spontaneous, large
scale, instantaneous physico-chemical nucleation of aragonite crystals in waters
supersaturated with calcium bicarbonate, i.e., inorganic precipitation. This view
has been challenged by other workers who propose that mechanisms such as
suspension of aragonite mud from the shallow seafloor by wave action, turbulent
tidal flow, turbulent boundary flow, or stirring up of mud by bottom-feeding fish
are responsible for whitings, rather than spontaneous nucleation and precipitation
aragonite. Recent isotopic studies by Shinn, Holmes, and Marot (2000) indicate,
however, that whitings are probably not the result of resuspension mechanisms,
leaving open the question of exactly how they do form. The weight of opinion ap
pears to be shifting toward microbially mediated precipitation by photosynthesiz
ing microalgae or cyanobacteria as the likely origin of whitings (e.g., Robbins, Tao,
and Evans, 1997; Yates and Robbins, 2001).
Does this mean that most lime mud precipitation was organically mediated?
Let's consider carbonate deposition during the Precambrian. Judging from the
abundance of calcareous skeletal fragments and whole fossils in Phanerozoic
limestones, the removal of calcium carbonate from seawater owing to some aspect
of organic activity may have been an important mechanism for forming carbonate
sediments since at least early Paleozoic timealthough the relative importance
of biotic and abiotic precipitation of carbonates may have varied throughout this
time. We have a more diicult time explaing the formation of Precambrian
limestones. The Precambrian record contains impressive thicknesses of carbonate
rocks (e.g., as much as 1000 m in Glacier National Park, Montana and Alberta)
as far as we know, were deposited befo the widespread appearance of
calcium-carbonate-secreting organisms. Thus, it does not seem likely, on the
basis of available evidence, that shelled organisms were directly responsible for
deposition of large volumes of Precambrian limestone. Few, if any, Precambrian
organisms could extract CaC03 to build skeletal elements. Blue-green algae
(cyanobacteria) and other photosynesizing bacteria may have played an indirect