6.7 Origin of Carbonate Rocks
and Miser (1987) report an area of Sugarloaf Key, Florida, where seawater is forced
ward and downward through Holocene carbonate mud during rise and fall of
seawater accompanyg sprg tides, a process they call tidal pumping. Owing to
the large volume of seawater driven through e sediment by this mechanism,
lae quantities of Mg
are imported into the sediment, and pore fluids are con-
sntly being replaced by new fluids. Under these conditions, dolomite is forming
in the sediment even though little or no evaporation of the seawater has oc-
curred. Carballo, Land, and Miser suggest that dolomite forms both by precipi-
tation as a cement and by later replacement of preexisting crystallites.
Dolomitization might also occur during a sea level rise (Fig. 6.10C) as marine
porewaters move landward within a platform (e.g., Tucker, 1993). Although the
seawater model has some problems, many geologists are apparently convinced
at normal seawater has been a major dolomitizing medium in the past (Purser,
Tucker, and Zenger, 1994b ).
Other Factors Affecting Early Dolomitization
Experimental work on the formation of dolomite at 200°C by Baker and Kaser
(1981) demonstrated that the presence of dissolved sol- inhibits the formation of
dolomite. Extrapolating their experimental results to lower temperatures, they
suggest that the reason for the scarcity of dolomite in open-marine environments
dissolved Sol- in seawater. Dissolved Sol- ions can allegedly inhibit the
dolomitization of calcite at sol- values as low as 5 percent of their seawater
value. Thus, according to these authors, any process that removes S04
- om sea
war (e.g., bacterial reduction of /-; precipitation of calcium sulfate
(Ca504 • 2Hz0]) favors the formation of dolomite . Subsequent experimental work
by Morrow and Abercrombie (1994) confirms that dissolved sulfate at a concen
traon of 0.5M retards, but does not prevent, dolomitization of calcite at high
temperatures. These authors suggest that the observed rates of dolomitization
may be due to dissolution of calcite at a more rapid rate in a sulfate-free environ
ment at high temperatures because of its greater degree of undersaturation.
Bacteria may play a role in precipitation of dolomite under some conditions
(e.g., Beasconi, 1994; Gouma Folk, and Kirkland, 1997; Vasconcelos and
McKenzie, 1997; Wright, 2000). For example, Vasconcelos and McKenzie (1997) re
port precipitation of dolomite at normal earth-surface temperatures in black, or
ga nic-rich sediments in a shallow-water coastal lagoon (Lagoa Vermelha) near Rio
. de Janeiro, Brazil. They attribute precipitation to the activities of sul.fate-reducing
anaerobic bacteria. Precipitation apparently occurs owing to the release of excess
Mg along with other by-products of sulfate reduction. Saturation of Mg on the
submicron scale in microenvironments around the cell bodies creates conditions
favorable for preferential precipitation of dolomite. The precipitate is a Ca-rich
dolomite that undergoes ageing with time to increase ordering. In addition to ob
rvations in Lagoa Vermelha, dolomite was produced in the laboratory by using
sulfate-reducing bacteria cultured from Lagoa Vermelha (Vasconcelos and
McKenzie, 1995; Warthma et aL, 2000; Van Lith et al., 2003).
Changes in Climate and Ocean Chemist
discussed, the concentration of Mg
ions in the ocean was higher dung peri
ods of "aragonite seas," when rates of seafloor spreading and sea levels were low,
during periods of "calcite seas" when substantial amounts of Mg
g absorbed onto hot seafloor basalts. Thus, dolomite precipitation may have
been favored in aragonite seas.
Also, ocean temperature appears to have an effect on dolomite precipitation.
Dug times of rapid seafloor spreading (and high sea level), C0
levels in the
atmosphere are high owing to increased rates of C0
outgassing related to high