252 Chapter 8 I Continental (Terrestrial) Environments
Sinuosity of channels increases with their width/ depth for low-powered,
single-channel streams, but decreases with width/ depth for multiple-channel
rivers. Sinuosity of single-channel rivers also increases with decreasing bed
material size for single channel rivers with a given discharge and slope.
It has also been suggested that rivers that transport large amounts of
(coarse) bed load relative to suspended load tend to be associated with easi
ly eroded banks of sand or gravel and that these rivers have large channel
slopes and stream power. Such rivers have been assumed to be laterally un
stable and thus prone to braiding. By contrast, large suspended loads were
assumed to be characteristic of single-channel rivers of high sinuosity. Such
rivers are allegedly associated with stable, cohesive muddy banks and low
stream gradient and stream power. These generalities are not applicable in
many cases. For example, Bridge (2003, p. 157) reports that many braided
rivers are sandy and silty (e.g., Brahmaputra in Bangledesh, Yellow in China,
Platte in Nebraska), and many single-channet sinuous rivers are sandy and
gravelly (Madison in Montana, South Esk in Scotland, Yukon in Alaska).
Bridge also suggests that difficultly erodable banks, stabilized by vegetation
or early cementation, may not have an important influence on the equilibri
um channel pattern, as long as the flood flow is capable of eroding banks and
transporting sediment.
Sediment Transport Processes in Rivers
Channel ansport. Sediment transport (and erosion) in the higher gradient
proximal reaches of rivers occurs mainly within the river channels. Down
stream flow of water around channel bends leads to helical spiraling of flow,
out toward the surface and inward at the bed (Fig. 8.8). The channels are char
acterized by the presence of bars. Point bars (also referred to as side bars and
lateral bars) are attached to the river bank (e.g., Fig. 8.5). The basic dynamics of
flow around meanders leads to erosion on the outside parts of bends and deposi
tion on the point bars. Helical flow transports sediment, eroded from the cut
bank, across the stream along the bottom and deposits it by lateral accretion on the
point bar. The resulting point-bar sediments are characterized by cross-bedding
and general fining upward toward the top of the bar. In braided rivers, braid
bars (also called channel, mediat longitudinal, and transverse bars, as well as
sand flats) are present in midchannel position (e.g., Fig. 8.6). These braid bars
can be thought of as double-sided point bars. As the current splits around the
upstream end of the bar, helical flow causes lateral accretion on both sides of the
bar. Because braid bars are free to move, in contrast to point bars, scouring and
subsequent deltalike deposition takes place at the downstream end of the bar.
Thus, braid bars can migrate downstream. On the other hand, some braid bars
remain stable long enough to be colonized by vegetation, thus forming islands.
Floodplain Deposition. Floodplains are strips of land adjacent to rivers that are
commonly inundated during seasonal floods. Floodplains can be present along
both braided and meandering rivers, although they appear to be particularly
common along single-channel rivers. When the stream floods and overtops its
banks, deposition of fine sediment occurs on naral levees, in adjacent flood
basins, and in oxbow lakes (Fig. 8.9). Deposion from overbank waters results in
upbuilding of the sediment surface and is thus called vertical accretion, in contrast
to the lateral accretion that takes place on point bars. Natural-levee deposits form
primarily on the concave or steep-bank side of meander loops immediately adja
cent to e channel as a result of sudden loss of competence, and they typically