Chapter 4 I Sedimentary Structures
Sandstone dikes and sills are tabular bodies of massive sandstone that fill frac
tures in any type of host rock. They range in thickness from a few centimeters to
more an 10 m. They lack internal structures except for oriented mica akes and
other elongated particles that are commonly aligned parallel to the dike walls.
Sandstone dikes are formed by forceful injection of liquefied sand into fractures,
commonly in overlying rock; however, injection appears to have been downward
in some rocks. Sandstone sills are similar features that formed by injection parallel
to bedding. ese sills may be difficult or impossible to distinguish from normal
ly deposited sandstone beds unless they can be traced into sandstone dikes or be
traced far enough to show a cross-cutting relationship with other beds. Suggesd
causes of liquefaction of sand include shocks owing to earquakes or iggering
eects related to slumps, slides, or rapid emplacement of sediment by mass flow.
Secondary sedimentary structures are structures at form sometime after
deposition during sediment buriaL These structures are largely of chemical origin,
formed by precipitation of mineral substances in the pores of semiconsolidated or
consolidated sedimentary rock or by chemical replacement processes. Concretions
are probably the most common kind of secondary structure. Most concreons are
composed of calcite, but concretions composed of dolomite, hematite, siderite,
chert, pyrite, and gypsum are also known. They form by precipitation of mineral
matter around some kind of nucleus, such as a shell fragment, and gradually
build up a globular mass (e.g., the dark, rounded features in Fig. 4.6), which may
or may not display concentric layering. Shapes of these masses range from spher
ical to disc-shaped, cone-shaped, and pipe-shaped, and they may range in size
from less than 1 em to as much as 3 m. Concretions are especially common in
sandstones and shales but can occur in other sedimentary rocks.
Stylolites are suturelike seams of clay or other insoluble material that com
monly occur limestones owing to pressure solution (discussed in Chapter 6).
Less common secondary structures include sand crystals (large crystals of calcite,
barite, gypsum filled with sand inclusions) and cone-in-cone structures (nested
sets of small concentric cones composed of carbonate minerals). See Boggs (1992,
p. 119-124) for additional descriptions of secondary structures.
As mentioned, many sedimentary structures yield directional data that show e
diction ancient current flowed at the time of deposition. The dip direction of
cross-bed foresets; the asymmetry and orientation of the crests of current ripples;
and the orientation of flute casts, groove casts, and current lineation are all exam
ples of directional data that can be obtained from sedimentary structures. Cross
bedding is one of the most useful sedimentary structures for determining
paleocurrent direction. Because the foreset laminae in cross-beds are generated by
avalanching on the downcurrent (lee) side of ripples, the foresets dip in the down
current direction. To measure paleocurrent direction from cross-beds requires that
they be exposed in a three-dimensional outcrop. The strike of the foreset laminae
is determined first; the dip direction is 90° to the strike. If cross-beds have been
by tectonic uplift after deposition, a correction must be made for is lt
(e.g., Collinson and Thompson, 1989, p. 200).
The orientation of directional sedimentary structures is determined in the
field with a Brunton compass by taking measurements from as many dierent out
crops and individual beds as possible and practical. The orientaon of directional
structures determined from a particular bed or stratigraphic unit commonly shows