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Chapter 5 I Siliciclastic Sedimentary Rocks
clasts; however, lithic arenites may contain some stable clasts such as chert (e.g.,
Fig. 5.7C). ey contain less than 90 percent quartzose grains and contain more
unstable rock fragments than feldspars. Colors may range from light gray, salt
and-pepper to uniform medium to dark gray. Many lithic arenites are poorly sorted;
however, sorting ranges from well sorted to very poorly sorted. Quartz and many
other framework grains are generally poorly rounded. Lithic arenites tend to con
tain substantial amounts of matrix, much of which may be of secondary origin.
Thus, most lithic sandstones are texturally immature to submature (lithic wackes ).
Lithic arenites may range from irregularly bedded, laterally restricted, cross-strat
ified fluvial units to evenly bedded, laterally extensive, graded, marine turbidite
units. They may occur in association with fluvial conglomerates and other fluvial
deposits or in association with deeper water marine conglomerates, pelagic
shales, cherts, and submarine basalts. Liic arenites include sandstones at
many geologists connue to refer to as graywackes. Graywackes differ from "nor
mal" lithic arenites in that ey are dark gray to dark green, are well indurated or
lithified, and commonly have a matrix consisting of secondary chlorite. The term
graywacke is used so loosely, however, that it might be best to simply drop it, as
mentioned. Pettijohn (1963) estimates that lithic arenites and graywackes together
make up nearly one-half of all sandstones.
Lithic arenites are typically compositionally immature sandstones that origi
nate der conditions favoring the production and deposition of large volumes of
relatively unstable materials. The mechanically weak character of many of the
liic fragments in these sandstones suggests that they are probably derived from
rugged, gh-relief source areas. Liic arenites may be deposited in nonmarine
settings in proximal alluvial fans or other fluvial environments. Alteatively, they
may be deposited in marine foreland basins (Chapter 16) adjacent to fold-thrust
belts, or they may be transported by large rivers off the continent into deltaic or
shallow shelf environments. Lithic sediments deposited in coastal areas may be
retransported into deeper water by turbidity currents or by oer sediment gravity
flow mechanisms. These deeper-water sedents are particularly likely to undergo
deep burial and incipient metamorphism, leading to development of characteris
tics generally ascribed to graywackes.
Common examples of lithic sandstones include the Paleozoic sandstone suc
cessions of the central Appalachians in e eastern United States (e.g., Ordovician
Juniata Formation, ssissippian Pocono Formation, Pennsylvanian Pottsville
Formation); many sandstones associated with the Coal Measures throughout the
world; many Jurassic and Creceous sandstones of the U.S. and Canadian Rocky
Mountains and the U.S. We st Coast (e.g., Cretaceous Belly River Sandstone of
Canada, Jurassic Franciscan Formation of California); and Tertiary sandstones of
the Gulf Coast, the We st Coast, and the Alps.
Vo lcaniclastic sandstones are a special kind of litc arenite composed pri
marily of volcanic detritus (Fig. 5.7D). Vo lcaniclastic sandstones may be made up
largely of pyroclastic materials that have been transported and reworked, or they
may conta volcanic detritus derived by weathering of older volcanic rocks. ey
especially characterized by the presence of euhedral feldspars, pumice frag
men, glass shards, and volcanic rock fragments, and they generally have a very
low quartz content (e.g., Boggs, 1992, p. 197-209).
Other Sandstones
The sandstones discussed above are composed of constituents derived primarily
by weathering of preexisting rocks or by explosive volcanism. A few less abun
dant types of "sandstones" are known whose constituents formed largely within the
depositional basin by chemical or biochemical processes. These rocks, called hybrid
sandstones by some authors, include such common varieties of sandstones as