Chapter 4 I Sedimentary Structures
Mainly Physically Formed Structures
Allen, J. R L, 1982, Sedimentary structures: Their character and
physical basis, v. 1-2: Elsevier, Amsterdam, 664 p.
Collinson, J. D., and D. B. Thompson, 1989, Sedimentary struc
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Harms, J. C, J. B. Souard, and R G. Wa lker, 1982, Structures
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Pettijohn, J. , and P. E. Potter, 1964, Atlas and glossary of prima
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Ricci Lucchi, E, 1995, Sedimentographica: A photographic atlas
of sedimentary structures, 2nd ed.: Columbia University
Press, New York, 255 p.
Biogenic Structures
Bromley, R. G., 1996, Tra ce fossils: Biology, taphonomy and ap
plications: Chapman and Hall, London, 361 p.
Curran, H. A (ed.), 1985, Biogenic structures: Their use in inter
preting depositional environments: Soc. Econ. Paleontolo
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Donovan, S. K., 1994, The paleobiology of trace fossils: e Johns
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Ekdale, A A., R G. Bromley, and S. G. Pemberton, 1984, Ichnolo
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Paleontologists and Mineralogists Short Course No. 15, Tulsa,
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Hasiotis, S. , 2002, Continental trace fossils: SEPM (Society for
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Maples, C. G., and R. R. West (eds.), 1992, Trace fossils: Paleonto
logical Society Short Courses in Paleontology . 5, 238 p.
Miller, M. , A A. Ekdale, and M. D. Picard (eds.), 1984, Trace
fossils and paleoenvironments: Marine carbonate, marginal
marine terrigenous and continental terrigenous settings: Jour.
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Pemberton, S. G., J. A. MacEache, and R. W. Frey, 1992, Trace
fossil facies models: Environmental and allostra
tigraphic sig
nificance, in Walker, R. G., and N. James (eds.), Facies mod
els: Response to sea level change: Geological Association of
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