Chapter 4 I Sedimenta Structures
Figure 4.6
Parallel laminae (arrows) in fine-grained sandstone, Elkton For
mation (Eocene), southern Oregon coast. The dark, rounded
objects in the lower right corner of the photograph are
1965; Allen, 19; Bridge and Best, 1997). They Cl1 also form by wind transport (e.g.,
McKee, Douglass, and Rittenhouse, 1971; Hw1 ter, 1977); however, wind-formed
parallel laminae are not common. Thus, laminated bedding can develop in a variety
of environments, and its presence is not a tmique environmental indicator.
Once formed, parallel laminae are commonly preserved unless they are
deposited in an environment in which sediment is being actively reworked by
organisms. The burrowing and feeding activities of organisms in many environ
ments can quickly destroy lamination. Laminae have the greatest potential for
preservation in reducing or toxic environments, \V here organic activity is mini
maC or in environments where deposition is so rapid that the sediment is buried
below the depth of active organic reworking before organisms can destmy strati
Graded Bedding. Graded beds are sedimentation units characterized by distinct
vertical gradations in grain size. They range in thickness from a few centimeters to
a few meters or more and commonly have sharp basal contacts. Beds that show
gradation from coarser particles at the base to finer particles at the top are said to
have normal grading (Fig. 4.7; 2.8). Normal graded bedding can form by several
processes, e.g., sedimentation from suspension clouds generated by storm activity
on the shelf or deposiion in the last phases of a heavy flood, but the origin of most
such raded beds in the geologic rocord has been attributed to turbidity currents.
Differences in the rate at which particles of different sizes settle from suspension
during the waning stages of turbidity current flow appear to account for the grad
ing, but the exact maer in which the grading process operates is not well under·
stood. The graded materials may be mud, sand, or, more rarely, g1·avel. As
discussed in Chapter 2, some graded turbidite units display an ideal sequence of
sedimentary structures, called a Bouma sequence (Fig. 2.8), but more commonly
the sequence is trtmcated at the top or bottom. The basal A division may pre
sent, but some or all of the overlying divisions may be absent; or the A dvision it
self may be missing. Normally graded turbidite beds commonly occur in thin,
repetitious successions referred td as rhythmic bedding.
Reverse grading can also occur but is much less common than normal grad
ing. Reverse grading has been attributed to two types of mechanisms: (1) disper
sive pressures and (2) kinetic sieving. Dispersive pressures (Chapter 2) are
believed to be proportional to grain size. a sediment of mixed grain size, the
higher dispersive pressures acting on the larger particles tend to force them up
into the zone of least shear. Alternatively, reverse grading may be explained by a
kinetic sieve mechanism. In a mixture of grains dergoing agitation, the smaller
grains presumably fall down through the larger grains as grain motion opens up
spaces between the larger particles. Overall, reverse grading is a relatively rare
phenomenon, and its origin is still poody understood.