Chapter 3 I Sedimentary Te xtures
Experimental studies in flumes and wind tunnels of the effects of abrasion
on transport of sand-size quartz grains show that transport by wind is 100 to 1000
times more effective in rounding these grains than transport by water (Kuenen,
1959, 1960). In fact, almost no rounding occurs in as much as 100 km of ansport
by water. Most roundness studies of small quartz grains in vers have corroborated
these experimental results. For example, Russell and Taylor (1937) observed no in
crease in rounding of quartz grains throughout a distance of 1100 mi (1775 km) in
the Mississippi River between Cairo, Illinois, and the Gulf of Mexico. The effec
tiveness of surf action on beaches in rounding sand-size quartz grains is not well
understood. general, surf processes appear to be less effective in rounding
grains than wind transport but more eective than river transport.
Once acquired, the roundness of quartz grains is not easily lost and may be
preserved through several sedimentation cycles. We ll-rounded quartz grains in an
ancient sandstone may well indicate an episode of wind transport in its history,
but it may be difficult or impossible to determine if rounding took place during
the last episode of ansport or during some previous cycle.
The roundness of transported pebbles is strongly related to pebble composi
tion and size (Boggs, 1969). Soft pebbles such as shale and limestone become
rounded much more readily than quartzite or chert pebbles, and large pebbles
and cobbles are commonly better rounded than smaller pebbles. Although
stream transport is relatively ineffective in rounding small quartz grains, pebble
size grains can become well rounded by stream transport. Depending upon com
position and size, pebbles can become well rounded by stream transport in
distances ranging from 11 km (7 mi) for limestones to 300 km (186 mi) for quartz
(Pettijohn, 1975).
Well-rounded pebbles in ancient sedimentary rocks generally indicate flu
vial transport. The degree of rounding cannot, however, be depended upon to
give reliable estimates of the distance of transport. The greatest amount of round
ing takes place in the early stages of transport, generally within the first few kilo
meters. Also, the roundness of pebbles is not an unequivocal indicator of fluvial
environments because pebbles can also become rounded in bea environments
and possibly on lake shores. Furthermore, rounded fluvial pebbles may eventually
be transported into nearshore marine environments where they may be reen
trained by turbidity currents and resedimented in deeper parts of the ocean.
Suace Te ure
The surface of pebbles and mineral grains may be polished, frosted (dull, matte
texture like frosted glass), or marked by a variety of small-scale, low-relief features
such as pits, scratches, fractures, and ridges. ese surface textures originate in di
verse ways, including mechanical abrasion during sediment transport; tectonic
polishing during deformation; and chemical corrosion, etching, and precipitation
of authigenic growths on grain surfaces during diagenesis and weathering. Gross
surface textural features such as polishing and frosting can be observed with an
ordinary binocular or petrographic microscope; however, detailed study of sur
face texture requires high magnifications. Krinsley (1962) pioneered use of the
electron microscope for studying grain surface texture at high magnificaons.
Most investigators who study the surface texture of sediment grains carry
out their studies on quartz grains because e physical hardness and chemical sta
bility of quartz grains allow these particles to retain surface markings for geological
ly long periods of time. Through study of thousands of quartz grains, investigators
have now been able to fingerprint the markings on grains from various mode
depositional environments. More than twenty-five dierent surface textural fea
tures have been identified, including conchoidal fractures, straight and curved
scratches and striations, upturned plates, meander ridges, chemically etched V's,