Chapter 3 I Sedimenta Textures
Grain-Size scales
As mentioned, particles in sediments and sedimentary rocks range in size from a
few microns to a few meters. Because of this wide range of particle sizes, loga
rithmic or geometric scales are more useful for expressing size than are linear
scales. In a geomeic scale there is a succession of numbers such that a fixed ratio
exists between successive elements of the series. The grain-size scale used almost
universally by sedimentologists is the Udden-Wentworth scale. This scale, first
proposed by Udden in 1898 and modified and extended by Wentworth in 1922, is
a geometric scale in which each value in the scale is either twice as large as the
preceding value or one-half as large, depending upon the sense of direction
(Table 3.1). The scale extends from <1/256 mm (0.0039 mm) to >256 mm and is
divided into four major size categories (clay, silt, sand, and gravel), which can be
further subdivided (e.g., fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand). Blair and
McPherson (1999) suggest that the coarse end of the Udden-Wentworth scale be
divided into a greater number of subdivisions than those shown in Table 3.1 by
adding block (4.1-65.5 m), slab (65.5 m-1.0 km), monolith (1.0-33.6 km), and
megalith (>33.6 km).
A useful modification of the Udden-Wentworth scale is the logarithmic phi
scale, which allows grain-size data to be expressed in units of equal value for the
purpose of graphical plotting and statistical calculations. This scale, proposed by
Krumbein in 1934, is based on the following relationship:
= -log
where is phi size and d is the grain diameter in millimeters. For example, a grain
4 mm in diameter has a phi size of -2, which is the power required to raise the base
(2) of the logarithm to 4 (i.e., 2
). A grain 8 mm in size has a p value of -3 (the
). Some equivalent phi and millimeter sizes are shown in Table 3.1. Note
that the p scale yields both positive and negative numbers. The real size of par
ticles, expressed in millimeters, decreases with increasing positive phi values and
incases with decreasing negative values. Because sand-size and smaller grains
are the most abundant grains in sedimentary rocks, Krumbein chose the negative
logarithm of the grain size in millimeters so that grains of this size will have posi
tive phi values, avoiding the bother of constantly working with negative numbers.
This usage is also consistent with the common practice of plotting coarse sizes to
the left and fine sizes to the right in graphs.
Measuring Grain Size
size of siliciclastic grains can be measured by several techniques (Table 3.2).
e choice of methods is dictated by the purpose of the study, the range of grain
sizes to be measured, and the degree of consolidation of sedent or sedimentary
rock. Large particles (pebbles, cobbles, boulders) in either unconsolidated sedi
ment or liified sedimentary rock can be measured manually with a caliper or
tape. Grain size is commonly expressed in terms of eier the long dimension or
the intermediate dension of the particles. Granule- to silt-size particles un
consolidated sediments sedimentary rocks at can be disaggregated are com
measured by sieving through a set of nested, wire-mesh screens (see
Ingram, 1971). The sieve numbers of U.S. Standard Sieves that correspond to vari
ous millimeter and phi sizes are shown in Table 3.1. Sieving techniques measure
the intermediate dimension of particles because e intermediate parcle size gen
eray determines whether or not a particle can go through a particular mesh.
Grain size of small, unconsolidated particles can also be measured by sedi
mentation techniques on the basis of the settling veloty of the particles. In these
techniques, grains are allowed to settle through a column of water at a specified