2.3 Particle Transport by Fluids
e grain Reynolds number (
) differs from the ordinary Reynolds
number previously discussed. The length or water depth value (L) of the ordi
na Reynolds number is replaced by particle diameter (d) and the ow veloci
ty (U) by shear velocity (U*). The grain Reynolds number is a measure of
turbulence at the gra-fluid boundary. It is thus expressed as
The grain Reynolds number, plotted on the horizontal axis of Shields' diagram,
is clearly not the same tng as mean grain size; however, it can be seen from
Fi gure 2.3.1 that the grain Reynolds number increases with increasing grain
size if shear velocity and kinematic viscosity remain constant. Thus, an increase
in grain Reynolds number means an increase in grain size, an increase in shear
velity and turbulence, or a decrease in kinematic viscosity.
The Shields diagram is less intuitive than Hjulstrom's diagram in which
fluid velocity is plotted against grain size; however, points above the curve in
dicate that noncohesive grains on the bed are fully in motion and points below
indicate no motion, as in the Hjulstrom diagram. Beginning of motion is deter
mined by the dimensionless shear stress, which increases with increasing bed
sar stress under a given set of conditions for gra density, uid density, and
grain size. The critical dimensionless shear stress required to initiate grain
movement thus depends upon the gra Reynolds number, whi in turn is a
nction of grain size, kinematic viscosity, and turbulence. Note from the
Shields diagram in Figure 2.3.1 that the dimensionless bed shear stress increas
slightly vvh increasing grain
Reynolds number above about 5 to 10, al
though it remains maly between 0.03 and 0.05. At lower Reynolds numbers,
the value increases steadily up to a value of 0.1 or higher. This greater rate of in
at lower Reynolds numbers is related to the presence of the viscous sub
layer. hen the bed is composed of small particles on the order of fine sand or
smaller, a smooth boundary and hydraulically smooth ow result; the particles
lie entirely within the viscous sublayer, where flow is essentially nonturbulent
and instantaneous velocity variations are less than in the lower part of the over
lying turbulent boundary layer. For coarser particles, the viscous sublayer is so
in that the grains project through the layer into the turbulent ow.
Several complicating factors not covered in the Hjulstrom and Shields dia
grams make prediction of the onset of grain movement difficult. Itantaneous
fluctuations in boundary shear stress may ase from local eddies or from wave ac
tion superimposed on current flow, and these fluctuations may cause some parti
cles to move before e general onset of grain movement. Fine muds and silts may
not erode to yield individ ual grains owing to the tendency of such cohesive mate
rials to be removed as chunks or aggregates of grains.
Many of the processes volved in sediment entrainment and transport can be
eecvely modeled by computer simulation. excellent book on this subject,
Simulating Clastic Sedimentation (Tetzlaff and Harbaugh, 1989), takes the ader throu
e computations and reasoning of erosion, ansportaon, and deposition of clasc
sediment. The book furer provides detailed insuctions on the teciques and
computer programs used to simulate clastic sedimtation. For further insight into
simulang sediment transport, see Slingerland, Harbaugh, and Furlong (1994).
Role of Paicle Settling Velocity in ansport
As soon as grains are lifted above the bed during the entrainment process, they
begin to fall back to the bed. The distance that they travel downcurrent before
again coming to rest on the bed depends upon the drag and lift forces exerted by