366 11 Existing Drift Chambers – An Overview
Often there is freedom to increase L; then the value of
x is less critical, but the
dimensions W of the chambers must be increased in proportion.
For the study of very-high-multiplicity events in heavy-ion fixed-target experi-
ments, even type 3 chambers have become popular. The direct three-dimensional
measurement of track elements is an advantage for such events (see Sect. 11.7).
An important group of drift chambers has been built around the interaction re-
gions of particle colliders where they are – together with the installed calorimeters –
the principal instruments for the investigation of the particles from the collisions.
Close to the interaction point we find the vertex detectors around the beam pipe
whose purpose it is to determine the interaction vertex with high precision. Fur-
ther out in radius the main drift chambers measure the direction and momenta of the
charged particles and, in many cases, their ionization. In the design of these tracking
devices the choice of the magnetic field and its orientation is a primary concern.
11.3.1 General Considerations Concerning the Directions of Wires
and Magnetic Fields
For symmetric electron–positron machines where one studies point-like interac-
tion – these cause essentially isotropic particle distributions – the magnetic field
B was most naturally created by a solenoid on axis with the particle beams. A good
measurement of particle momenta requires the curvature of tracks to be determined
with the greatest accuracy in the azimuthal direction. In drift chambers of type 2
it is the drift-time measurement that provides the accuracy; hence the wires are es-
sentially parallel to the magnetic field (‘axial wire chambers’). In drift chambers of
type 3 the azimuthal accuracy is provided by cathode pick-up electrodes so that the
electric drift field can be made parallel to B. Therefore, in e
machines we find
axial wire chambers and TPC’s along the direction of the beams. Along B, particle
curvature is not measurable.
For the study of hadron interactions in the
pp and pp colliders, the magnetic field
B has sometimes been chosen to be at right angles to the beam direction, on account
of the important flux of high-momentum particles in the direction of the beams – the
UAI-experiment at the CERN
pp collider and the Split Field Magnet at the CERN
Intersecting Storage Rings being well-known examples. The orientation of the wires
of type 1 or type 2 drift chambers again has to be parallel to B, which is also the
flight direction of the particles with vanishing curvature.
At the e
p collider HERA at DESY there is an inherent asymmetry in the en-
ergies of the colliding particles, because 30 GeV electrons collide with 800 GeV
protons. The solution adopted for each of the two experiments is a solenoid, coaxial
with the beams, instrumented with a coaxial type 2 chamber, and complemented in
the forward direction of high momenta with several planar type 1 stacks for particles
with polar angles
approximately between 10 and 30
. In these type 1 chambers
we find the sense wires orthogonal to the magnetic field, thus giving an accurate
measurement of
and a good double track resolution in this angular range.