10.7 Ionization Measurement in Practice 347
10.7 Ionization Measurement in Practice
The large multiwire drift chambers provide many coordinate measurements on each
track, and more often than not this includes recording the wire pulse heights. These
are then a measure of the ionization density of each track segment, provided the
chamber is operated in the proportional regime. In the universal detectors the parti-
cles go in all directions, and their ionization is sampled in different ways, depending
on how the track is oriented with respect to the wire array that records it.
There are also more specialized drift chambers, which were built with the express
purpose of particle identification behind fixed-target experiments. There, the parti-
cles travel generally into one main direction, which makes the ionization sampling
much more uniform than it is in the universal detectors.
For good ionization measurements a balance has to be found between two con-
flicting requirements. On the one hand, the wire gain must be kept small in order
to have a signal accurately proportional to the incoming ionization charge. When
the gain is too large, the amplification will drop when the incoming charges are
concentrated along a short piece of wire, owing to space charge near the wire (see
Sect. 4.5), resulting in a gain variation with the amount of diffusion and the track-
wire angle. Furthermore, the positive ions created in the wire avalanches penetrate
to a certain extent into the drift space, where they cause field and hence track and
gain distortions. On the other hand, large signals are required for the coordinate
measurement in order to overcome the electronic amplifier noise; this is particularly
important for coordinate measurements along the wire, using charge division.
The pulse integration must work in such a way that the result is exactly pro-
portional to the collected charge, and especially that it is independent of the length
of the pulse. Otherwise it has to be corrected by a function of the track angle and
the drift length, which both have an influence on the pulse length. In order to have
a clean pulse integration, overlapping tracks must be eliminated with some safety
margin. The number of signals on a track in the middle of a jet of other particles can
therefore be considerably reduced. It is not uncommon that in a large drift chamber
the average number of signals is only little more than one half of the number of
wires that could in principle measure a track.
In order to derive a meaningful ionization of a track, truly independent of all the
external circumstances of the measurement, a number of calibrations and correc-
tions are required at the percentage level of accuracy. These may be grouped in two
categories, according to whether or not they depend on the track parameters.
10.7.1 Track-Independent Corrections
Without going into the details, we just mention the following effects which change
the apparent ionization and therefore have to be kept under control: gas density
(pressure and temperature), concentration ratios of the components, electron attach-
ment, base line and pedestal shift of the electronic channels.