Index 447
Performance achieved in existing detectors,
Particle separation power, 333, 344
PASA frontend, 247
Peaking time
definition of, 192
optimum, 238, 240
delta signal, 227
wire chamber signal, 229
tail cancellation and, 203
unipolar and bipolar shaper, 196
Penning effect, 4
Photo-absorption ionization (PAI) model, 11
applications, 335, 340
Photo-ionization cross-section, 12
Pileup of signals, 205
Planar drift chambers of type 1, 368–377
Planar drift chambers of type 1, performance
of some (tables), 370
Plasma frequency for optical dispersion, 27
Plateau of the energy loss, 27
and density of the medium, 27
Poisoning of the gas by construction material,
Poisoning times (table), 423
Pole-zero filter, 187
delta response of, 203
tail cancellation with a, 201, 202
transfer function of, 189
Polya functions, 152
Precision drift chamber, 408
Proportional wire, 125–128
Quench gases, 128
Radial drift field chamber, 403
Ramo’s theorem, 160
Ramsauer minimum, 55, 86
Random pulses on wire, 279
Random velocity of drifting electrons, 54
Random velocity of drifting ions, 57
Range of delta rays, 33
Range of primary electrons, 7, 8
RC filter, 187
delta response of, 188
transfer function of, 187
Reciprocity theorem, 158
Reduced electric and magnetic fields, 83
Regime of proportionality, 126
Relativistic rise of energy loss
dependence on gas density, 29, 335
dependence on sample length, 336, 340
Relaxation techniques for electrostatic
calculations, 98
Resolution formula, 341, 343
Rutherford scattering, 15
Safe chamber gas, 418
Safe gas mixtures (tables), 419
Sagitta measuring error, 298
Sagitta of a track, 298
Saturated drift velocity, 413
Secondary electron tracks, 14
definition of, 192
unipolar and bipolar shaper, 196
Shape of the ionization curve, 334–336
5-parameter form, 336
Shaping, unipolar and bipolar, 195–200, 210
Signal induction, 157–179
cathode strip, 176
current, 160
drift tube, 163
electron, 164
ion, 163, 165
multiwire chamber, 172
principle of, 157
sum of, 161
voltage, 165
Signal to noise ratio, 232
Slope to noise ratio, 238
Small drift chambers of type 2, performance of
some (tables), 391
Space charge fluctuations, 281–282
Spiral projection chamber, 403
Spread of arrival times of electrons, 252
Spread of electrons along the wire, 252
Stability of a linear system, 187
Staggering of sense wires, 368, 380
Step function, 188
Stereo chambers, 377
Sternheimer correction to Bethe-Bloch
formula, 32
Stoichiometric ratio for complete combustion,
Streamer charge distribution, 129
Strength of the ionization, 332
Tail cancellation, 200–205
Thevenin’s theorem, 216
Thin-field emission effect, 430
Three-body attachment coefficients, 78, 421
Three-body attachment to O
, 420–421
Three-component gas mixtures (diagrams),
Time constant t
, characteristic, 163, 173
Time measurement
electronics for, 235