398 11 Existing Drift Chambers – An Overview
space charge from previous events in the drift space will distort the tracks. Ion shut-
ters (‘gating grids’ – see Chap. 9) are suitable tools for reducing the amount of ion
current that flows back into the drift volume from the amplification region.
The length of the drift path also sets severe requirements on the uniformity of the
electric and magnetic fields: a non-uniformity of one per cent may cause transverse
displacements of the order of one per cent of the drift length.
Finally we mention gas purity. Electrons may be attached to gas components that
are present even in extremely low concentrations, the result being a signal loss that
increases with the drift path. We have described electron attachment in Sect. 2.2.7.
Still a TPC can be a very powerful universal track detector. If all the above-
mentioned problems have been overcome, one profits from its advantages: with its
wires strung on the inner surface of the end-plates rather than through the volume
the construction can be modular and technically very convenient. For every track
segment one achieves an intrinsically three-dimensional coordinate determination –
two coordinates being given by the position in the end plate of the pick-up electrodes
that collect the segment, the third being measured through the drift time.
Furthermore, with a TPC one can totally avoid the dilemma of the Lorentz an-
gle: if one puts B and E parallel in the drift volume, there is no shift of the drift
direction, and the magnetic field may be increased as far as technically feasible, the
gas pressure can be kept low, and the diffusion may be dramatically reduced; cf. the
discussion in Chap. 12.
11.7.1 Double-Track Resolution in TPCs
The measurement of a track produces a dead region around this track where the
chamber is insensitive to the measurement of other tracks. In a TPC with cathode
pads, this dead region is a tube around the track, whereas in axial wire chambers and
in TPCs with wire measurement it is a flat region that extends along the full length
of the wire.
Concerning track measurements with pads, overlap occurs on the pad when it is
still occupied with the pulse of a first track at a time when the pulse of a second
track begins. The pulse length T is given by the intrinsic electronic pulse length t
plus the drift-time difference t
of the electrons from one track that reach the pad
at different times, because of a track inclination
and the size h of the pad. With
reference to Fig. 11.34 we have an overlap region
z in the drift direction, equal to
z = ut
+ ut
= ut
+ h/tan
, (11.1)
where u is the drift velocity and
the angle between the track and the normal to the
pad (typically the polar angle). In Table 11.4 double-track resolutions are quoted for
two polar angles.
In the azimuthal direction, two tracks will have to be 2 or 3 pad widths apart in
order to be separable; a practical average may be 2.5 pad widths.