886 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology
Open-circuited termination
If a length of transmission line is open-circuited at the termination, no
current can flow in it and thus no power can be absorbed by the termi-
nation. This condition is achieved if a current is imagined to be reflected
from the termination, the reflected current having the same magnitude
as the incident wave but with a phase difference of 180
. Also, since
no power is absorbed at the termination (it is all returned back along
the line), the reflected voltage wave at the termination must be equal to
the incident wave. Thus the voltage at the termination must be doubled
by the open circuit. The resultant current (and voltage) at any point on
the transmission line and at any instant of time is given by the sum of
the currents (and voltages) due to the incident and reflected waves (see
Section 44.8).
Short-circuit termination
If the termination of a transmission line is short-circuited, the impedance
is zero, and hence the voltage developed across it must be zero. As with
the open-circuit condition, no power is absorbed by the termination. To
obtain zero voltage at the termination, the reflected voltage wave must
be equal in amplitude but opposite in phase (i.e., 180
phase difference)
to the incident wave. Since no power is absorbed, the reflected current
wave at the termination must be equal to the incident current wave and
thus the current at the end of the line must be doubled at the short circuit.
As with the open-circuited case, the resultant voltage (and current) at any
point on the line and at any instant of time is given by the sum of the
voltages (and currents) due to the incident and reflected waves.
Energy associated with a travelling wave
A travelling wave on a transmission line may be thought of as being made
up of electric and magnetic components. Energy is stored in the magnetic
field due to the current (energy D
—see page 751) and energy is
stored in the electric field due to the voltage (energy D
page 738). It is the continual interchange of energy between the magnetic
and electric fields, and vice versa, that causes the transmission of the total
electromagnetic energy along the transmission line.
When a wave reaches an open-circuited termination the magnetic field
collapses since the current I is zero. Energy cannot be lost, but it can
change form. In this case it is converted into electrical energy, adding
to that already caused by the existing electric field. The voltage at the
termination consequently doubles and this increased voltage starts the
movement of a reflected wave back along the line. A magnetic field will
be set up by this movement and the total energy of the reflected wave
will again be shared between the magnetic and electric field components.
When a wave meets a short-circuited termination, the electric field
collapses and its energy changes form to the magnetic energy. This results
in a doubling of the current.