Index 977
machine losses, 362
machines, 350
motors, 96, 364, 368
motor starter, 376
potentiometer, 130
transients, 259
Decibel, 126, 761
meter, 127
Delta connection, 298, 302,
-star transformation, 603
De Moivre’s theorem, 423
Depletion layer, 140
De Sauty bridge, 130, 482
Design impedance, 799
Detector types, a.c. bridges,
Determinants, 532, 538
Deviation from resonant
frequency, 509
Diamagnetism, 690
Dielectric, 57, 60, 711
hysteresis, 715
liquid, 715
loss, 715, 717
strength, 67, 712
stress, 727
Differential amplifier, 288, 289
compound motor, 373
voltage amplifier, 279
Differential equation solution,
921, 925
Differentiator circuit, 275
Diffusion, 141
Digital voltmeter, 117
Dimensions of most economical
cable, 728
Dirac function, 919
Discharging of capacitors, 70, 904
cells, 34, 38
Dissipation factor, 716
Distortion on transmission line,
Diverter, 379
Domains, 692
Doping, 138
Dot rule for coupled circuits, 857
Double beam oscilloscope, 122
cage induction motor, 405
Dust core, 698, 706
Dynamic current gain, 153, 156
resistance, 248, 517
Eddy current loss, 330, 696
Effective value, 196
Efficiency of d.c. generator, 363
d.c. motor, 373
induction motor, 395
transformer, 330
Electrical energy, 7, 18
power, 7, 16
symbols, 10, 910
measuring instruments and
measurements, 112
Electric bell, 20, 91
cell, 32
field strength, 57, 711
fire, 20
flux density, 59, 711
potential, 6
Electrochemical series, 32
Electrodes, 32
Electrolysis, 31
Electrolyte, 31, 37
Electrolytic capacitors, 70
Electromagnetic induction, 100
laws of, 101
Electromagnetic wave, 870
Electromagnetism, 89
Electromagnets, 91
Electron, 11, 31
Electronic instruments, 117
Electroplating, 20, 32
Electrostatic field, 55
E.m.f., 6, 34
equation of transformer, 320
in armature winding, 353
Emitter, 145
Energy, 5
associated with travelling wave,
electrical, 7, 18
stored in capacitor, 68
electric field, 737, 738
electromagnetic field, 750
magnetic field of inductor, 107,
Equipotential lines, 721