712 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology
directions. Since the electrons in an insulator cannot flow, each atom
becomes a tiny dipole (i.e., an arrangement of two electric charges of
opposite polarity) with positive and negative charges slightly separated,
i.e., the material becomes polarised.
Within the material this produces no discernible effects. However,
on the surfaces of the dielectric, layers of charge appear. Electrons are
drawn towards the positive potential, producing a negative charge layer,
and away from the negative potential, leaving positive surface charge
behind. Therefore the dielectric becomes a volume of neutral insulator
with surface charges of opposite polarity on opposite surfaces. The result
of this is that the electric field inside the dielectric is less than the elec-
tric field causing the polarization, because these two charge layers give
rise to a field which opposes the electric field causing it. Since electric
field strength, E D V/d, the p.d. between the plates, V D Ed. Thus, if E
decreases when the dielectric is inserted, then V falls too and this drop
in p.d. occurs without change of charge on the plates. Thus, since capac-
itance C D Q/V, capacitance increases, this increase being by a factor
equal to ε
above that obtained with a vacuum dielectric.
There are two main ways in which polarization takes place:
(i) The electric field, as explained above, pulls the electrons and nucleii
in opposite directions because they have opposite charges, which
makes each atom into an electric dipole. The movement is only small
and takes place very fast since the electrons are very light. Thus, if
the applied electric field is varied periodically, the polarization, and
hence the permittivity due to these induced dipoles, is independent
of the frequency of the applied field.
(ii) Some atoms have a permanent electric dipole as a result of their
structure and, when an electric field is applied, they turn and tend
to align along the field. The response of the permanent dipoles is
slower than the response of the induced dipoles and that part of
the relative permittivity which arises from this type of polarization
decreases with increase of frequency.
Most materials contain both induced and permanent dipoles, so
the relative permittivity usually tends to decrease with increase of
39.3 Dielectric strength
The maximum amount of field strength that a dielectric can withstand
is called the dielectric strength of the material. When an electric field is
established across the faces of a material, molecular alignment and distor-
tion of the electron orbits around the atoms of the dielectric occur. This
produces a mechanical stress which in turn generates heat. The produc-
tion of heat represents a dissipation of power, such a loss being present in
all practical dielectrics, especially when used in high-frequency systems
where the field polarity is continually and rapidly changing.
A dielectric whose conductivity is not zero between the plates of a
capacitor provides a conducting path along which charges can flow and