692 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology
together in groups instead of behaving independently. These groups of
atoms, called domains (which tend to remain permanently magnetized),
act as units. Thus, when a field is applied to a piece of iron, these domains
as a whole tend to line up and large flux densities can be produced. This
means that the relative permeability of such materials is much greater
than one. As the applied field is increased, more and more domains align
and the induced flux increases.
The overall magnetic properties of iron alloys and materials containing
iron, such as ferrite (ferrite is a mixture of iron oxide together with other
oxides—lodestone is a ferrite), depend upon the structure and compo-
sition of the material. However, the presence of iron ensures marked
magnetic properties of some kind in them. Ferromagnetic effects decrease
with temperature, as do those due to paramagnetism. The loss of ferro-
magnetism with temperature is more sudden, however; the temperature at
which it has all disappeared is called the Curie temperature. The ferro-
magnetic properties reappear on cooling, but any magnetism will have
disappeared. Thus a permanent magnet will be demagnetized by heating
above the Curie temperature (1040 K for iron) but can be remagnetized
after cooling. Above the Curie temperature, ferromagnetics behave as
38.3 Hysteresis and
hysteresis loss
Hysteresis loop
Let a ferromagnetic material which is completely demagnetized, i.e., one
in which B D H D 0 (either by heating the sample above its Curie temper-
ature or by reversing the magnetizing current a large number of times
while at the same time gradually reducing the current to zero) be subjected
to increasing values of magnetic field strength H and the corresponding
flux density B measured. The domains begin to align and the resulting rela-
tionship between B and H is shown by the curve Oab in Figure 38.2. At a
particular value of H, shown as Oy, most of the domains will be aligned
and it becomes difficult to increase the flux density any further. The mate-
rial is said to be saturated. Thus by is the saturation flux density.
Figure 38.2
If the value of H is now reduced it is found that the flux density follows
curve bc, i.e., the domains will tend to stay aligned even when the field
is removed. When H is reduced to zero, flux remains in the iron. This
remanent flux density or remanence is shown as Oc in Figure 38.2.
When H is increased in the opposite direction, the domains begin to
realign in the opposite direction and the flux density decreases until, at
a value shown as Od, the flux density has been reduced to zero. The
magnetic field strength Od required to remove the residual magnetism,
i.e., reduce B to zero, is called the coercive force.
Further increase of H in the reverse direction causes the flux density
to increase in the reverse direction until saturation is reached, as shown
by curve de. If the reversed magnetic field strength Ox is adjusted to the
same value of Oy in the initial direction, then the final flux density xe is
the same as yb.IfH is varied backwards from Ox to Oy, the flux density
follows the curve efg b , similar to curve bcde.