Th´evenin’s and Norton’s theorems 587
Further problems on Th´evenin’s theorem may be found in Section 33.5,
problems 1 to 10, page 598.
33.3 Norton’s theorem
A source of electrical energy can be represented by a source of e.m.f. in
series with an impedance. In Section 33.2, the Th
evenin constant-voltage
source consisted of a constant e.m.f. E, which may be alternating or direct,
in series with an internal impedance, z. However, this is not the only form
of representation. A source of electrical energy can also be represented by
a constant-current source, which may be alternating or direct, in parallel
with an impedance. It is shown in Section 33.4 that the two forms are in
fact equivalent.
Norton’s theorem states:
‘The current that flows in any branch ofa network is the same as that which
would flow in the branch if it were connected across a source of electrical
energy, the short-circuit current of which is equal to the current that would
flow in a short-circuit across the branch, and the internal impedance of
which is equal to the impedance which appears across the open-circuited
branch terminals.’
The above statement simply means that any linear active network
with output terminals AB, as shown in Figure 33.39(a), can be replaced
by a current source in parallel with an impedance z as shown in
Figure 33.39(b). The equivalent current source I
(note the symbol in
Figure 33.39(b) as per BS 3939:1985) is the current through a short-circuit
applied to the terminals of the network. The impedance z is the equivalent
impedance of the network at the terminals AB when all internal sources of
e.m.f. are made zero. Figure 33.39(b) is known as the Norton equivalent
circuit, and was initially introduced in Section 13.7, page 181 for d.c.
Figure 33.39 The Norton
equivalent circuit
The following four-step procedure may be adopted when determining
the current flowing in an impedance Z
of a branch AB of an active
network, using Norton’s theorem:
(i) short-circuit branch AB;
(ii) determine the short-circuit current I
(iii) remove each source of e.m.f. and replace it by its internal impedance
(or, if a current source exists, replace with an open circuit), then
determine the impedance, z, ‘looking in’ at a break made between
A and B;
(iv) determine the value of the current i
flowing in impedance Z
the Norton equivalent network shown in Figure 33.40, i.e.,
C z
Figure 33.40
A simple d.c. network (Figure 33.41) serves to demonstrate how the above
procedure is applied to determine the current flowing in the 5 resistance
by using Norton’s theorem:
Figure 33.41