8 Nanotribology, Nanomechanics and Materials Characterization 325
Inclusion of vibration frequencies other than only the first cantilever flexural or tor-
sional resonance frequency, also allows additional information to be obtained.
In the negative lift mode force modulation technique, height data is recorded
during primary scanning in the tapping mode, as described earlier. During inter-
leave scanning, the entire cantilever/tip assembly is moved up and down at the
force modulation holder’s bimorph resonance frequency (about 24kHz) at some
amplitude, here referred to as the force modulation amplitude, and the z-direction
feedback control for the sample x–y–z piezo is deactivated, Fig. 8.10a [52,54,57].
During this scanning, height information from the primary scan is used to maintain
a constant lift scan height. This eliminates the influence of height on the measured
signals duringthe interleavescan. Lift scanheight is the mean tip-to-sampledistance
between the tip and sample during the interleave scan. The lift scan height is set such
that the tip is in constant contact with the sample, i.e. a constant static load is ap-
plied. (A higher lift scan height gives a closer mean tip-to-sampledistance.) In addi-
tion, the tip motioncaused by the bimorph vibration resultsin a modulatingperiodic
force. The sample surface resists the oscillations of the tip to a greater or lesser ex-
tent depending upon the sample’s stiffness. The computer records amplitude (which
is a function of the elastic stiffness of the material). Contact analyses can be used
to obtain a quantitative measure of localized elasticity of soft surfaces [54]. Etched
single-crystal silicon cantilevers with integrated tips (force modulation etched Si
probe or DI FESP) with a radius of 25–50nm, a stiffness of 1–5 N/m, and a natural
frequency of 60–100kHz, are commonly used for the measurements. Scanning is
normally set to a rate of 0.5Hz along the fast axis.
In the AFAM technique [55,56,70],the cantilever/tip assembly is moved either
in the normal or lateral mode and the contactstiffness is evaluatedby comparing the
resonance frequency of the cantilever in contact with the sample surface to those of
the free vibrations of the cantilever. Several free resonance frequencies are meas-
ured. Based on the shift of the measured frequencies, the contact stiffness is deter-
mined by solving the characteristic equation for the tip vibrating in contact with the
sample surface. The elastic modulus is calculated from contact stiffness using Hertz
analysis for a spherical tip indenting a plane. Contact stiffness is equal to 8× contact
radius × reduced shear modulus in the shear mode.
In the lateral mode using the AFAM technique, the sample is glued onto cylin-
drical pieces of aluminum which serve as ultrasonic delay lines coupled to an ultra-
sonic shear wave transducer, Fig. 8.10b [33,55,56]. The transducer is driven with
frequencysweeps to generate in-plane lateral sample surface vibrations. These cou-
ple to the cantilever via the tip–sample contact. To measure torsional vibrations of
the cantilever at frequencies up to 3 MHz, the original electronic circuit of the lat-
eral channel of the AFM (using a low-pass filter with limited bandwidth to a few
hundred kHz) was replaced by a high-speed scheme which bypasses the low-pass
filter. The high-frequencysignal was fed to a lock-in amplifier, digitized using a fast
analogue-to-digital (A/D) card and fed into a broadband amplifier, followed by an
rms-to-dcconverterandreadby a computer.Etched single-crystal silicon cantilevers
(normal stiffness of 3.8–40N/m) integrated tips are used.