7 Molecular Recognition Force Microscopy 293
which, in turn, depends on the tether length. Therefore, only order-of-magnitude
estimates of k
can be gained from such measurements [57].
Additional information about the unbinding process is contained in the distri-
butions of the unbinding forces. Concomitant with the shift of maxima to higher
unbinding forces, increasing the loading rate also leads to an increase in the width
σ of the distributions [22,38], indicating that, at lower loading rates, the system ad-
justs closer to equilibrium. The lifetime τ(f) of a bond under an applied force was
estimated by the time the cantilever spends in a regime the force window spanned
by the standard deviation of the most probableforce for unbinding[4]. In the case of
, the lifetime of the complex decreased from 17 to 2.5ms when the force
was increased from 150 to 194pN [22]. The data fit well to Bell’s model, confirm-
ing the predicted exponential dependence of bond lifetime on the applied force, and
yielded an estimated lifetime at zero force of about 15 seconds. A more direct meas-
urement of τ is afforded by force-clamp experiments in which the applied force is
kept constant by a feedback loop. This configuration was first adapted for use with
AFM by Oberhauser et al. [59], who employed it to study the force dependence of
the unfolding probability of the I27 and I28 modules of cardiac titin as well as of
the full-length protein [59].
However, as discussed above, in most experiments the applied force is not con-
stant but varies with time, and the measured bond strength depends on the load-
ing rate [48, 50, 60]. In accordance with this, experimentally measured unbind-
ing forces do not assume unitary values but rather vary with both pulling veloc-
ity [52, 57] and cantilever spring constant [2]. The predicted logarithmic depen-
dence of the unbinding force on the loading rate in the thermally activated regime
was likewise confirmed by a large number of unbinding and unfolding experi-
ments [15,22,38,52,57,58,61].The slopes of the force–loadingrate curves contain
information about the length scale x
of prominent energy barriers along the force-
drivendissociation pathway, whichmay be related to thedepth of the bindingpocket
of the interaction [57].
The forcespectra may also be used to derivethe dissociationrate constantk
extrapolation to zero force [52,57,58]. As mentioned above, values derived in this
mannermay differ fromthose obtainedfrom bulk measurementsbecause only a sub-
set of dissociation pathways defined by the force is sampled. Nevertheless, a simple
correlation between unbinding forces and thermal dissociation rates was obtained
for a set consisting of nine different Fv fragments constructed from point mutations
of three unrelated anti-fluorescein antibodies [58]. This correlation, which implies
a close similarity between the force- and thermally driven pathways exploredduring
dissociation, was probably due to the highly rigid nature of the interaction, which
proceeds in a lock-and-keyfashion. The force spectra obtainedfor the different con-
structs exhibited a single linear regime, indicating that in all cases unbinding was
governed by a single prominent energy barrier (Fig. 7.8). Interestingly, the position
of the energy barrier along the forced-dissociation pathway was found to be pro-
portional to the height of the barrier and, thus, most likely includes contributions
arising from elastic stretching of the antibodies during the unbinding process.