268 A. Schirmeisen et al.
In conclusion,we have shown that, by applyingan additional feedbackcircuit to
the dynamic AFM system, it is possible to influence the quality factor Q of the os-
cillator system. High-resolution, high-speed, or low-force scanning is then possible.
6.5 Dissipation Processes Measured with Dynamic AFM
Dynamic AFM methods have proventheir great potential for imaging surface struc-
tures at the nanoscale, and we have also discussed methods that allow the assess-
ment of forcesbetween distinct singlemolecules.However, thereis another physical
mechanism that can be analyzed with the dynamic mode and has been mentioned in
some previous paragraphs: energy dissipation.
In Fig. 6.12, we have already shown an example, where the phase signal in tap-
ping mode cannot be explained by conservative forces alone; dissipative processes
must also play a role. In constant-amplitude FM mode, where the quantitative in-
terpretation of experiments has proven to be less difficult, an intuitive distinction
between conservative and dissipative tip–sample interaction is possible. We have
shown the correlation between forces and frequency shifts of the oscillating system,
but we have neglected one experimental input channel; the excitation amplitude,
which is necessary to keep the oscillation amplitude constant, is a direct indication
of the energy dissipated during one oscillation cycle. Dürig [57] has shown that
in self-excitation mode (with an excitation–oscillation phase difference of 90 deg),
conservativeand dissipative interactions can be strictly separated. Part of this energy
is dissipated in the cantilever itself, another part is due to external viscous forces in
the surrounding medium. But more interestingly, some energy is dissipated at the
tip–sample junction. This is the focus of the following paragraphs.
In contrast to conservative forces acting at the tip–sample junction, which
at least in vacuum can be understood in terms of van der Waals, electrostatic,
and chemical interactions, the dissipative processes are poorly understood. Stowe
et al. [58] have shown that, if a voltage potential is applied between tip and sam-
ple, charges are induced in the sample surface, which will follow the tip motion (in
their set-up the oscillation was parallel to the surface). Due to the finite resistance
of the sample material, energy will be dissipated during the charge movement. This
effect has been exploited to image the doping level of semiconductors. Energy dis-
sipation has also been observedin imaging magnetic materials. Liu et al. [59] found
that energy dissipation due to magnetic interactions was enhanced at the boundaries
of magnetic domains, which was attributed to domain-wall oscillations, and even
a simple system such as two clean metal surfaces which are moved in close prox-
imity can give rise to frictional forces. Stipe et al. [60] have measured the energy
dissipation due to fluctuating electromagnetic fields between two closely spaced
gold surfaces, which was later interpreted by Volokitin and Persson [61] in terms of
van der Waals friction.
Energy dissipation was also observed, in the absence of external electromag-
netic fields, when the tip and sample were in close proximity, within 1 nm. Clearly,
mechanical surfacerelaxations must give rise to energy losses. One could model the