6 Dynamic Modes of Atomic Force Microscopy 253
But what is the reason for this unexpected behavior? We have to turn to the
numerical simulations again, where we have access to all physical parameters, in
order to understand the underlying processes. The lower part of Fig. 6.11 also
shows the interaction force between the tip and the sample at the point of closest
approach, i.e., the sample-side turnaround point of the oscillation. We see that ex-
actly at the points of the discontinuities the total interaction force changes from the
net-attractive regime to the attractive–repulsive regime, also termed the intermittent
contact regime. The term net-attractive is used to emphasize that the total force is
attractive, despite the fact that some minor contributions might still originate from
repulsive forces. As soon as a minimum distance is reached, the tip also starts to
experience repulsive forces, which completely changes the oscillation behavior. In
other words, the dynamic system switches between two oscillatory states.
Directly related to this fact is the second phenomenon: the hysteresis effect.
We find separate curves for the approach of the probe towards the surface and the
retraction. This seems to be somewhat counterintuitive, since the tip is constantly
approaching and retreating from the surface, and the average values of amplitude
and phase should be independentof the direction of the averagetip–sample distance
movement. A hysteresis between approach and retraction within one oscillation due
to dissipative processes should directly influence amplitude and phase. However,
no dissipation models were included in the simulation. In this case, the hysteresis in
Fig. 6.11 is due to the fact that the oscillation jumps into different modes; the system
exhibits bistability. This effect is often observed in oscillators under the influence of
nonlinear forces [23].
For the interpretation of these effects it is helpful to look at Fig. 6.13, which
shows the behavior of the simulated tip trajectory and the force during one oscil-
lation cycle over time. The data is shown for the z-positions where hysteresis is
observed, while (a) was taken during the approach and (b) during the retraction.
Excitation was in resonance, where the amplitude shows a small hysteresis. Also
note that the amplitude is almost exactly the same in (a) and (b). We see that the
oscillation at the same z-position exhibits two different modes: while in (a) the ex-
perienced force is net-attractive, in (b) the tip is exposed to attractive and repulsive
interactions. Experimentaland simulated datashow that thechange between thenet-
attractive and intermittent contact mode takes place at different z-positions (d
) for approach and retraction. Between d
and d
the system is in a bistable
mode. Depending on the history of the measurement, e.g., whether the position d
during the approach (or d
during retraction) has been reached, the system flips to
the other oscillation mode. While the amplitude might not be influenced strongly,
the phase is a clear indicator of the mode switch. On the other hand, if the point
is never reached during the approach, the system will stay in the net-attractive
regime and no hysteresis is observed, i.e., the system remains stable.
In conclusion, we find that, although a qualitative interpretation of the inter-
action forces is possible, the AM-AFM is not suitable to gain direct quantitative
knowledge of tip–sample force interactions. However, it is a very useful tool for
imaging nanometer-sized structures in a wide variety of setups, in air or even in