6 Dynamic Modes of Atomic Force Microscopy 245
6.3 Dynamic AFM Operational Modes
While the quantitative interpretation of force curves in contact AFM is straightfor-
ward using (6.1), we explained in the previous paragraphs that its application to
assess short-range attractiveinteratomic forces is rather limited. The dynamic mode
of operation seems to open a viable direction towards achieving this task. However
interpretation of the measurements generally appears to be more difficult. Different
operational modes are employed in dynamic AFM, and the following paragraphs
are intended to distinguish these modes and categorize them in a systematic way.
The oscillation trajectory of a dynamically driven cantilever is determined by
three parameters: the amplitude, the phase, and the frequency. Tip–sample inter-
actions can influence all three parameters, which are termed the internal parameters
in the following. The oscillation is driven externally, with excitation amplitude A
andexcitationfrequencyω. Thesevariableswill bereferredto as theexternalparam-
eters. The external parameters are set by the experimentalist, whereas the internal
parameters are measured and contain the crucial information about the force inter-
action. In scanning probe applications, it is common to control the probe–surface
distance z
in order to keep an internal parameter constant (i.e., the tunneling cur-
rent in STM or the beam deflection in contact AFM), which represents a certain
tip–sample interaction. In z-spectroscopy mode, the distance is varied in a certain
range, and the change of the internal parameters is measured as a fingerprint of the
tip–sample interactions.
In dynamic AFM the situation is rather complex. Any of the internal parame-
ters can be used for feedback of the tip–sample distance z
. However, we already
realized that, in general, the tip–sample forces can only be fully assessed by meas-
uringall three parameters.Therefore,dynamicAFM imagesare difficultto interpret.
A solution to this problem is to establish additional feedback loops, which keep the
internal parameters constant by adjusting the external variables. In the simplest set-
up, the excitation frequency is set to a predefined value, and the excitation ampli-
tude remains constant by a feedback loop. This is called the amplitude-modulation
(AM) or tapping mode. As stated before, in principle, any of the internal parameters
can be used for feedback to the tip–sample distance; in AM mode the amplitude
signal is used. A certain amplitude (smaller than the free oscillation amplitude) at
a frequency close to the resonance of the cantilever is chosen; the tip is approached
towards the surface under investigation, and the approach is stopped as soon as the
set-point amplitude is reached. The oscillation phase is usually recorded during the
scan, however, the shift of the resonant frequency of the cantilever cannot be di-
rectly accessed, since this degree of freedom is blocked by the external excitation at
a fixed frequency. It turns out that this mode is simple to operate from a technical
perspective,but quantitativeinformation about the tip–sample interaction forces has
so far not been reliably extracted from AM-mode AFM. Despite this, it is one of the
most commonly used modes in dynamic AFM operated in air, and even in liquid.
The strength of this mode is the qualitative imaging of a large variety of surfaces.
It is interesting to discuss the AM mode in the situation that the external exci-
tation frequency is much lower than the resonant frequency [12, 13]. This results