212 Markus Morgenstern et al.
relax downward [134]. This corresponds to the situation in Fig. 5.19a, where the tip
is relatively far away and an inward relaxation of the two arsenic atoms is observed.
The considerablylarger attractive force in Fig. 5.19b, however, pulls the two arsenic
atoms toward the tip. All other arsenic atoms are also pulled, but they are less dis-
placed, becausethey have three bonds to the bulk,while the two arsenic atoms in the
neighborhood of an indium vacancy have only two bonds. This direct experimental
proof of the presence of tip-induced relaxations is also relevant for STM measure-
ments, because the tip–sample distances are similar during atomic-resolution imag-
ing. Moreover, the result demonstrates that FM-AFM can probe elastic properties
on an atomic level.
Imaging of Weakly Interacting van der Waals Surfaces
For weakly interacting van der Waals surfaces, much smaller atomic corrugation
amplitudes are expected compared to strongly interacting surfaces of semiconduc-
tors. A typical example is graphite, a layered material, where the carbon atoms are
covalently bonded and arranged in a honeycomb structure within the (0001) plane.
Individual graphene layers stick together by van der Waals forces. Due to the ABA
stacking, three distinctive sites exist on the (0001) surface: carbon atoms with (A-
type)andwithout(B-type)neighborin thenextgraphitelayerand the hollowsite (H-
site) in the hexagon center. In static contact force microscopy as well as in STM the
contrast exhibits usually a trigonal symmetry with a periodicity of 246pm, where
A-andB-site carbon atoms could not be distinguished. However, in high-resolution
FM-AFM images acquired at low temperatures, a large maximum and two different
minima have been resolved, as demonstrated by the profiles along the three equiv-
alent [1-100] directions in Fig. 5.20a. A simulation using the Lennard–Jones po-
tential, given by the short-range interatomic van der Waals force, reproduced these
three features very well (dotted line). Therefore, the large maximum could be as-
signed to the H-site, while the two different minima represent A-andB-type carbon
atoms [132].
Compared to graphite, the carbon atoms in a single-walled carbon nanotube
(SWNT), which consists of a single rolled up graphene layer, are indistinguish-
able. For the first time Ashino et al. [133] successfully imaged the curved surface
of a SWNT with atomic resolution. Note that for geometric reasons, atomic resolu-
tion is only achieved on the top (see Fig. 5.20b). Indeed, as shown in Fig. 5.20b, all
profilesbetween two hollowsites across twoneighboring carbonatoms are symmet-
ric [135]. Particularly, curve1 and 2 exhibittwo minima of equal depth, as predicted
by theory (cf., dotted line). The assumption used in the simulation (dotted lines in
the profiles of Fig. 5.20) that interatomic van der Waals forces are responsible for
the atomic-scale contrast has been supported by a quantitative evaluation of force
spectroscopy data obtained on SWNTs [133].
Interestingly, the image contrast on graphite and SWNTs is inverted with re-
spect to the arrangement of the atoms, i.e., the minima correspond to the position
of the carbon atoms. This can be related to the small carbon–carbon distance of
only 142pm, which is in fact the smallest interatomic distance that has been re-