5 Low-Temperature Scanning Probe Microscopy 199
ture influences on the π-orbitals, is observed without Co (Fig. 5.12b) [64], a strong
peak is found around a Co cluster deposited on top of the tube (Fig. 5.12a, arrow).
The peak is slightly shifted with respect to V = 0 mV due to the so-called Fano res-
onance [65], which results from interference of the tunneling processes into the lo-
calized Co-level and the itinerant nanotube levels. The resonance disappears within
several nanometers of the cluster, as shown in Fig. 5.12d.
The Kondo effect has also been detected for different magnetic atoms deposited
on noble-metal surfaces [61,62]. There, it disappears at about 1nm from the mag-
netic impurity, and the effect of the Fano resonance is more pronounced, contribut-
ingtodipsindI/ dV(V)-curves instead of peaks.
A fascinating experiment has been performed by Manoharan et al. [66],
who used manipulation to form an elliptic cage for the surface states of Cu(111)
(Fig. 5.12e, bottom). This cage was constructed to have a quantized level at E
Then, a cobalt atom was placed in one focus of the elliptic cage, producing a Kondo
resonance. Surprisingly, the same resonance reappeared in the opposite focus, but
not away from the focus (Fig. 5.12e, top). This shows amazingly that complex local
effects such as the Kondo resonance can be guided to remote points.
Orbitalscatteringas asourceof the Kondoresonance hasalso beenfoundaround
a defect on Cr(001) [67]. Here, it is believed that itinerate sp-levels scatter at a lo-
calized d-level to produce the Kondo peak.
5.4.5 Imaging Electronic Wave Functions
Since STS measuresthe sum of squared wave functions(5.1), it is an obvioustask to
measure the local appearance of the most simple wave functions in solids, namely,
Bloch waves.
Bloch Waves
The atomically periodicpart of the Bloch wave is always measured if atomicresolu-
tion isachieved (inset ofFig. 5.14a). However,the long-rangewavy partrequires the
presence of scatterers. The electron wave impinges on the scatterer and is reflected,
leading to self-interference. In other words, the phase of the Bloch wave becomes
fixed by the scatterer.
Such self-interferencepatterns were first found on Graphite(0001)[68] and later
on noble-metal surfaces, where adsorbates or step edges scatter the surface states
(Fig. 5.13a) [22]. Fourier transforms of the real-space images reveal the k-space
distribution of the corresponding states [69], which may include additional contri-
butions besides the surface state [70]. Using particular geometries as the so-called
quantum corrals to form a cage for the electron wave, the scattering state can be
rather complex (Fig. 5.13b). Anyway, it can usually be reproduced by simple calcu-
lations involving single-particle states [71].
Bloch waves in semiconductors scattered at charged dopants(Fig. 5.13c,d) [72],
Blochstates confinedin semiconductorquantumdots (Fig.5.13e–g)[73], andBloch
waves confined in short-cut carbon nanotubes (Fig. 5.13h,i) [74,75] have been vi-