208 Markus Morgenstern et al.
The ability to detect forces sensitively with spatial resolution downto the atomic
scale is of great interest, since force is one of the most fundamental quantities in
physics. Mechanical force probes usually consist of a cantilever with a tip at its
free end that is brought close to the sample surface. The cantilever can be mounted
parallel or perpendicular to the surface (general aspects of force probe designs are
described in Chap. 3). Basically, two methods exist to detect forces with cantilever-
based probes: the static and the dynamic mode (see Chap. 2). They can be used
to generate a laterally resolved image (microscopy mode) or determine its distance
dependence (spectroscopy mode).One can argue about the terminology, since spec-
troscopy is usually related to energies and not to distance dependencies. Neverthe-
less, we will use it throughout the text, because it avoids lengthy paraphrases and is
established in this sense throughout the literature.
In the static mode, a force that acts on the tip bends the cantilever. By measuring
its deflection Δz the tip–sample force F
can be directly calculated with Hooke’s
law: F
= c
denotes the spring constant of the cantilever. In the vari-
ous dynamicmodes, the cantileveris oscillated with amplitude A at or nearits eigen-
frequency f
, but in some applications also off-resonance. At ambient pressures or
in liquids, amplitude modulation (AM-SFM) is used to detect amplitude changes
or the phase shift between the driving force and cantilever oscillation. In vacuum,
the frequencyshift Δ f of the cantilever due to a tip–sample interaction is measured
by the frequency-modulation technique (FM-SFM). The nomenclature is not stan-
dardized. Terms like tapping mode or intermittent contact mode are used instead of
AM-SFM, and NC-AFM (noncontact atomic force microscopy) or DFM (dynamic
force microscopy) instead of FM-SFM or FM-AFM. However, all these modes are
dynamic, i.e., they involve an oscillating cantilever and can be used in the noncon-
tact, as well as in the contact, regime. Therefore, we believe that the best and most
consistent way is to distinguish them by their different detection schemes. Convert-
ing the measured quantity (amplitude, phase, or frequency shift) into a physically
meaningful quantity, e.g., the tip–sample interaction force F
or the force gradient
/∂z, is not always straightforward and requires an analysis of the equation of
motion of the oscillating tip (see Chaps. 4 and 6).
Whatever method is used, the resolution of a cantilever-based force detection is
fundamentally limited by its intrinsic thermomechanical noise. If the cantilever is
in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T, the equipartition theorem predicts a ther-
mally induced root mean square (rms) motion of the cantilever in the z direction
of z
= (k
is the Boltzmann constant and c
= c
+ ∂F
Note that usually dF
/ dz c
in the contact mode and dF
/ dz < c
in the non-
contact mode. Evidently, this fundamentally limits the force resolution in the static
mode, particularly if operated in the noncontact mode. Of course, the same is true
for the different dynamic modes, because the thermal energy k
T excites the eigen-
frequency f
of the cantilever. Thermal noise is white noise, i.e., its spectral density
is flat. However, if the cantilever transfer function is taken into account, one can see
that the thermal energy mainly excites f
. This explains the term thermo in thermo-
mechanical noise, but what is the mechanical part?