162 Franz J. Giessibl et al.
NC-AFM images obtained using an identical tip and sample may not be identical
generally. The simultaneous imaging of a metal oxide surface enables the inves-
tigation of a more detailed surface structure. The images of a TiO
(110) surface
simultaneously obtained with STM and NC-AFM [78] are a typical example. The
STM image shows that the dangling-bond states at the tip apex overlap with the
dangling bonds of the 3d states protruding from the Ti atom, while the NC-AFM
primarily imaged the uppermost oxygen atom.
Recently, calculations of the interaction of a Si tip with metal oxides surfaces,
such as Al
(0001), TiO
(110), and MgO(001), were reported [88,89]. Previous
simulations of AFM imaging of alkali halides and fluorides assume that the tip
would be oxides or contaminated and hence have been performed with a model
of ionic oxide tips. In the case of imaging a metal oxide surface, pure Si tips are
appropriate for a more realistic tip model because the tip is sputtered for cleaning
in many experiments. The results of ab initio calculations for a Si tip with a dan-
gling bond demonstrate that the balance between polarization of the tip and co-
valent bonding between the tip and the surface should determine the tip–surface
force. The interaction force can be related to the nature of the surface electronic
structure. For wide-gap insulators with a large valence-band offset that preventssig-
nificant electron-density transfer between the tip and the sample, the force is domi-
nated by polarization of the tip. When thegap is narrow, the charge transferincrease
and covalent bonding dominates the tip–sample interaction. The forces over anions
(oxygen ions) in the surface are larger than over cations (metal ions), as they play
a more significant role in charge transfer. This implies that a pure Si tip would al-
ways show the brightest contrast over the highest anions in the surface. In addition,
Fos te r et al. [88] suggested the method of using applied voltage, which controls the
charge transfer, during an AFM measurement to define the nature of tip apex.
The collaboration between experimental and theoretical studies has made great
progress in interpreting the imaging mechanism for binary insulators surface and
revealsthat a well-defined tip with atomic resolution is preferable for imaging a sur-
face.As described previously,a method for the evaluationof the natureof thetip has
been developed. However, the most desirable solution would be the development of
suitable techniques for well-defined tip preparation and a few attempts at controlled
production of Si tips have been reported [24,90,91].
4.4.2 Atomically Resolved Imaging of a NiO(001) Surface
The transition metal oxides, such as NiO, CoO, and FeO, feature the simultaneous
existence of an energy gap and unpaired electrons, which gives rise to a variety of
magnetic property. Such magnetic insulators are widely used for the exchange bias-
ing for magnetic and spintronic devices. NC-AFM enables direct surfaceimaging of
magnetic insulators on an atomic scale. The forces detected by NC-AFM originate
fromseveralkinds of interactionbetween the surface and thetip, includingmagnetic
interactions in some cases. Theoretical studies predict that short-range magnetic in-
teractions such as the exchange interaction should enable the NC-AFM to image
magnetic moments on an atomic scale. In this section, we will describe imaging of