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direction. From the cross-sectional profile along the long diagonal of the 7×7 unit
cell in Fig. 4.11b, the heights of the corner adatoms are slightly higher than those
of the adjacent center adatoms in the faulted and unfaulted halves of the unit cell.
The measured corrugation are in the following decreasing order: Co−F > Ce−F >
Co−U > Ce−U, where Co−FandCe−F indicate the corner and center adatoms
in faulted halves, and Co−UandCe−U indicate the corner and center adatoms in
unfaulted halves, respectively. Averaging over several units, the corrugation height
differences are estimated to be 0.25Å, 0.15Å and 0.05Å for Co−F, Ce−Fand
Co−U, respectively, with respect to to Ce−U. This tendency, that the heights of the
corner adatoms are higher than those of the center adatoms, is consistent with the
experimental results using a silicon tip [47], although they could not determine the
faulted and unfaulted halvesof the unit cell in the measured AFM images. However,
this tendency is completely contrary to the experimental results using a tungsten
tip [35]. This differencemay originatefrom the difference between the tip materials,
whichseemstoaffect the interactionbetween the tip and thereactivesamplesurface.
Another possibility is that the tip is in contact with the surface during the small
fraction of the oscillating cycle in their experiments [35].
We consider that the contrast between inequivalent adatoms is not caused by
tip artifacts for the following reasons: (1) each adatom, corner hole and defect was
clearly observed, (2) the apparent heights of the adatoms are the same whether they
are located adjacent to defects or not, and (3) the same contrast in several images
for the different tips has been observed.
Itshould benoted thatthe corrugationamplitudeof adatoms≈1.4Å in Fig.4.11b
is higher than that of 0.8–1.0 Å obtained with the STM, although the depth of the
corner holes obtained with noncontact AFM is almost the same as that observed
with STM. Moreover, in noncontact-mode AFM images, the corrugation amplitude
of adatoms was frequently larger than the depth of the corner holes. The origin of
such large corrugation of adatoms may be due to the effect of the chemical interac-
tion, but is not yet clear.
The atom positions, surface energies, dynamic properties and chemical reactiv-
ities on the Si(111)-(7×7) reconstructed surface have been extensively investigated
theoretically and experimentally. From these investigations, the possible origins of
the contrast between inequivalent adatoms in AFM images are the followings: the
trueatomic heightsthat correspondto theadatom corepositions, thestiff
ness (spring
constant)of interatomic bonding with the adatoms correspondingto the frequencies
of the surface mode, the charge on the adatom, and the chemical reactivity of the
adatoms. Table 4.1 summarizes the decreasing orders of the inequivalent adatoms
for individual property. From Table 4.1, we can see that the calculated adatom
heights and the stiffness of interatomic bondingcannot explain the AFM data, while
the amount of charge of adatom and the chemical reactivity of adatoms can explain
the our data. The contrast due to the amount of charge of adatom means that the
AFM image is originated from the difference of the vdW or electrostatic physical
interactions between the tip and the valence electrons at the adatoms. The contrast
due to the chemical reactivity of adatoms means that the AFM image is originated