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to grow perpendicular to the surface from the pores as desired (Fig. 3.13). TEM re-
vealed that the nanotubes were thin, individual, multiwalled nanotubes with typical
radii ranging from 3–5nm. If nanotubes did not grow in an acceptable orientation,
the carbon could be removed by oxidation, and then CVD repeated to grow new
nanotube tips.
These “pore-growth” CVD nanotube tips were typically several microns in
length – too long for imaging – and were pulse-etched to a usable length of
< 500nm. The tips exhibitedelastic buckling behaviorand were very robustin imag-
ing. In addition, the thin, individual nanotube tips enabled improved resolution [29]
on isolated proteins. The pore-growth method demonstrated the potential of CVD
to simplify the fabrication of nanotube tips, although there were still limitations. In
particular, the porous layer was difficult to prepare and rather fragile.
An alternative approach for CVD fabrication of nanotube tips involves direct
growth of SWNTs on the surface of a pyramidal AFM tip [32,33]. In this “surface-
growth” approach, an alumina/iron/molybdenum-powdered catalyst known to pro-
duce SWNT [26] was dispersed in ethanol at 1mg/mL. Silicon tips were dipped in
this solution and allowed to dry, leaving a sparse layer of ∼100nm catalyst clusters
on the tip. When CVD conditions wereapplied, single-walled nanotubesgrewalong
the silicon tipsurface.At a pyramidedge,nanotubescan either bend to alignwith the
edge,or protrude fromthe surface.If the energyrequired to bendthe tube and follow
the edge is less than the attractive nanotube-surface energy, then the nanotube will
follow the pyramid edge to the apex. Therefore, nanotubes were effectively steered
toward the tip apex by the pyramid edges. At the apex, the nanotube protruded from
the tip, since the energetic cost of bending around the sharp silicon tip was too high.
The high aspect ratio at the oxide-sharpened silicon tip apex was critical for good
nanotube alignment. A schematic of this approach is shown in Fig. 3.14. Evidence
for this model came from SEM investigationsthat show that a very high yield of tips
contains nanotubes only at the apex, with very few protruding elsewhere from the
pyramid. TEM analysis demonstrated that the tips typically consist of small SWNT
bundles that are formed by nanotubes coming together from different edges of the
pyramid to join at the apex, supporting the surface growth model described above
(Fig. 3.14). The “surface growth” nanotube tips exhibit a high aspect ratio and high
resolution imaging, as well as elastic buckling.
The surface growth method has been expanded to include wafer-scale produc-
tion of nanotube tips with yields of over 90% [34], yet one obstacle remains to
the mass production of nanotube probe tips. Nanotubes protruding from the tip are
several microns long, and since they are so thin, they must be etched to less than
100nm. While the pulse-etching step is fairly reproducible, it must be carried out
on nanotube tips in a serial fashion, so surface growth does not yet represent a true
method of batch nanotube tip fabrication.
Hybrid Nanotube Tip Fabrication: Pick-up Tips
Another method of creating nanotube tips is something of a hybrid between assem-
bly and CVD. The motivation was to create AFM probes that have an individual