4 Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy and Related Topics 151
dependence, between the dangling bond pointing out of the silicon dimer structure
on the Si(100)-(2×1) reconstructed surface and the dangling bond pointing out of
the apex of the silicon tip; a dimer structure is obtained with a larger separation than
between silicones on the surface.
The bright spots in Fig. 4.13 seem to be located at hydrogen atom sites on the
Si(100)-(2× 1):H monohydride surface, because the distance between the bright
spots forming the dimer structure (3.5±0.1Å) approximately agrees with the dis-
tance between the hydrogens, i.e., 3.52Å. Thus, the noncontact AFM atomically
resolved the individual hydrogen atoms on the topmost layer. On this surface, the
dangling bond is terminated by a hydrogen atom, and the hydrogen atom on the
topmost layer does not have chemical reactivity. Therefore, the interaction between
the hydrogen atom on the topmost layer and the apex of the silicon tip does not con-
tribute to the chemical bonding interaction with strong direction dependence as on
the silicon surface, and the bright spots in the noncontact AFM image correspondto
the hydrogen atom sites on the topmost layer.
4.3.3 Metal Deposited Si Surface
In this section, we will introduce the comparative study of force interactions be-
tween a Si tip and a metal-deposited Si surface, and between a metal adsorbed Si
tip and a metal-deposited Si surface [51,52]. As for the metal-deposited Si surface,
3)-Ag (hereafter referred to as
3-Ag) surface was used.
For the
3-Ag surface, the honeycomb-chained trimer (HCT) model has been
accepted as the appropriate model. As shown in Fig. 4.5, this structure contains a Si
trimer in the second layer, 0.75Å below the Ag trimer in the topmost layer. The
topmost Ag atoms and lower Si atoms form covalent bonds. The interatomic dis-
tances between the nearest-neighbor Ag atoms forming the Ag trimer and between
the lower Si atoms forming the Si trimer are 3.43Å and 2.31 Å, respectively. The
apexes of the Si trimers and Ag trimers face the [11
2] direction and the direction
tilted a little to the [
112] direction, respectively.
In Fig. 4.15, we show the noncontact AFM images measured using a normal
Si tip at a frequency shift of (a) −37Hz, (b) −43 Hz and (c) −51 Hz, respectively.
These frequency shifts correspond to tip–sample distances of about 0–3Å. We de-
fined the zero position of the tip–sample distance, i.e., the contact point, as the
point at which the vibration amplitude began to decrease. The rhombus indicates
3 unit cell. When the tip approachedthe surface, the contrast of the non-
contact AFM images become strong and the pattern changed remarkably. That is,
by approachingthe tip toward the sample surface, the hexagonal pattern, the trefoil-
like pattern composed of three dark lines, and the triangle pattern can be observed
sequentially. In Fig. 4.15a, the distance between the bright spots is 3.9 ±0.2Å. In
Fig. 4.15c, the distance between the bright spots is 3.0±0.2Å, and the direction of
the apex of all the triangles composed of three bright spots is [11
In Fig. 4.16, we show the noncontact AFM images measured by using Ag-
absorbed tip at a frequency shift of (a) −4.4Hz, (b) −6.9Hz and (c) −9.4Hz,
respectively. The tip–sample distances Z are roughly estimated to be Z = 1.9Å,