314 Bharat Bhushan
8.2 Description of AFM/FFM
and Various Measurement Techniques
An AFM was developedby Binnig and his colleagues in 1985. It is capable of inves-
tigating surfaces of scientific and engineering interest on an atomic scale [20,21].
The AFM relies on a scanning technique to produce very-high-resolution, three-
dimensional images of sample surfaces. It measures ultra-small forces (less than
1 nN) present between the AFM tip surface mounted on a flexible cantilever beam,
and a sample surface. These small forces are obtained by measuring the motion of
a very flexible cantilever beam having an ultra-small mass, by a variety of measure-
ment techniques including optical deflection, optical interference, capacitance, and
tunneling current. The deflection can be measured to within 0.02nm, so for a typi-
cal cantilever spring constant of 10 N/m, a force as low as 0.2 nN can be detected.
To put these numbers in perspective, individual atoms and human hair are typically
a fraction of a nanometer and about 75 µm in diameter, respectively, and a drop of
water and an eyelash have a mass of about 10µN and 100nN, respectively. In the
operation of high-resolution AFM, the sample is generally scanned rather than the
tip because any cantilever movement would add vibrations. AFMs are available for
measurement of large samples, where the tip is scanned and the sample is station-
ary. To obtain atomic resolution with the AFM, the spring constant of the cantilever
should be weaker than the equivalentspring between atoms. A cantilever beam with
a spring constant of about 1 N/m or lower is desirable. For high lateral resolution,
tips should be as sharp as possible. Tips with a radius in the range 10–100nm are
commonly available. Interfacial forces, adhesion, and surface roughness, including
atomic-scale imaging, are routinely measured using the AFM.
A modification to AFM, providing a sensor to measure the lateral force, led
to the development of the friction force microscope (FFM) or the lateral force mi-
croscope (LFM), designed for atomic-scale and microscale studies of friction [3–
5, 7, 8, 13, 22–37] and lubrication [38–43]. This instrument measures lateral or
friction forces (in the plane of the sample surface and in the scanning direction).
By using a standard or a sharp diamond tip mounted on a stiff cantilever beam,
AFM is used in investigations of scratching and wear [6, 9,13,27, 44–47], inden-
tation [9, 13,17, 27, 48–51], and fabrication/machining [4, 13, 27]. An oscillating
cantilever is used for localized surface elasticity and viscoelastic mapping, referred
to asdynamic AFM[35,52–60].In situsurface characterizationof localdeformation
of materials and thin coatings has been carried out by imaging the sample surfaces
using an AFM, during tensile deformation using a tensile stage [61–63].
8.2.1 Surface Roughness and Friction Force Measurements
Surface height imaging down to atomic resolution of electrically conducting sur-
faces is carried out using an STM. An AFM is also used for surface height imag-
ing and roughness characterization down to the nanoscale. Commercial AFM/FFM
are routinely used for simultaneous measurements of surface roughness and fric-
tion force [4, 11]. These instruments are available for measurement of small and