8 Nanotribology, Nanomechanics and Materials Characterization 341
Because in FFM measurements we notice little damage of the sample surface, the
contribution by plowing is expected to be small and the ratchet mechanism is be-
lieved to be the dominant mechanism for the local variations in the friction force
map. With the tip sliding over the leading (ascending) edge of an asperity, the sur-
face slope is positive; it is negative during sliding over the trailing (descending)
edge of an asperity. Thus, measured friction is high at the leading edge of asper-
ities and low at the trailing edge. In addition to the slope effect, the collision of
the tip when encountering an asperity with a positive slope produces additional tor-
sion of the cantilever beam leading to higher measured friction force. When en-
countering an asperity with the same negative slope, however, there is no collision
effect and hence no effect on torsion. This effect also contributes to the difference
in friction forces when the tip scans up and down on the same topography feature.
The ratchet mechanism and the collision effects thus semiquantitatively explain the
correlation between the slopes of the roughness maps and friction force maps ob-
served in Figs. 8.17 and 8.18. We note that, in the ratchet mechanism, the FFM
tip is assumed to be small compared to the size of asperities. This is valid since
the typical radius of curvature of the tips is about 10–50nm. The radii of cur-
vature of the asperities of the samples measured here (the asperities that produce
most of the friction variation) are found to be typically about 100–200nm, which
is larger than that of the FFM tip [81]. It is important to note that the measured
local values of friction and normal forces are measured with respect to global (and
not local) horizontal and vertical axes, which are believed to be relevant in applica-
8.3.3 Directionality Effect on Microfriction
During friction measurements, the friction force data from both the forward (trace)
and backward (retrace) scans are useful in understanding the origins of the observed
friction forces. Magnitudes of material-induced effects are independent of the scan-
ning direction whereas topography-induced effects are different between forward
and backwardscanning directions.Since the sign of the friction forcechanges as the
scanningdirection is reversed(because of the reversalof torque applied tothe end of
the tip), addition of the friction force data of the forward and backward scan elim-
inates the material-induced effects while topography-induced effects still remain.
Subtraction of the data between forward and backward scans does not eliminate
either effect,Fig.8.20[80].
Owing to the reversal of the sign of the retrace (R) friction force with respect
to the trace (T) data; the friction force variations due to topography are in the same
direction (peaks in trace correspond to peaks in retrace). However, the magnitudes
of the peaks in trace and retrace at a given location are different. An increase in the
frictionforce experiencedby the tip when scanningup a sharp change in topography
is more than the decrease in the friction force experienced when scanning down the
same topography change, partly because of the collision effects discussed earlier.
Asperities on engineering surfaces are asymmetrical, which also affects the magni-
tude of friction force in the two directions.Asymmetry in tip shape may also havean