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therapeutics. Silicon is a commonly used substrate in microimplants, but it can have
undesired interactions with the human immune system. Therefore, to mimic a bi-
ological surface, protein coatings are used on silicon-based surfaces as a passiva-
tion layer, so that these implants are compatible with the body and avoid rejection.
Whether this surface treatment is applied to a large implant or a bioMEMS, the
function of the protein passivation is obtained from the nanoscale 3D structural
conformation of the protein. Proteins are also used in bioMEMS because of their
function specificity. For biosensor applications, the extensive array of protein activ-
ities provides a rich supply of operations that may be performed at the nanoscale.
Many antibodies (proteins) have an affinity to specific protein antigens. For exam-
ple, pathogens(disease causingagents, e.g., virus or bacteria)trigger the production
of antigens which can be detected when bound to a specific antibody on the biosen-
sor. The specific binding behavior of proteins that has been applied to laboratory
assays may also be redesigned for in vivo use as sensing elements of a bioMEMS.
The epitope-specific binding properties of proteins to various antigens are useful
in therapeutics. Adhesion between the protein and substrate affects the reliability
of an application. Among other things, the morphology of the substrate affects the
adhesion. Furthermore, for in vivo environments, the proteins on the biosensor sur-
face should exhibit high wear resistance during direct contact with the tissue and
circulatory blood flow without washing off.
Bhushan et al. [72] studied the step-by-step morphological changes and the ad-
hesion of a model protein – streptavidin (STA) – on silicon-based surfaces. Fig-
ure 22.28a presents a flowchart showing the sequential modification of a silicon sur-
face. In addition to physical adsorption, they also used nanopatterning and chemical
linker methods to improve adhesion. Nanopatterned surfaces contain a large edge
surface area, leading to high surface energy, which results in high adhesion. In the
chemical linker method, sulfo-NHS-biotin was used as a cross linker because the
bonds between the STA and the biotin molecule are some of the strongest nonco-
valent bonds known (Fig. 22.28b). It was connected to the silica surface through
a silane linker, 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (3-APTES). In order to make a bond
between the silane linker and the silica surface, the silica surface was hydroxylated.
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used before STA in order to block nonspecific
binding sites of the STA protein with silica surface. Figure 22.29 shows the step-by-
step morphological changes in the silica surface during the deposition process using
the chemical linker method. There is an increase in roughness of the silica sur-
face boiled in de-ionized (DI) water compared to the bare silica surface. After the
silanization process, there are many free silane links on the surface which caused
higher roughness. Once biotin was coated on the silanized surface, the surface be-
came smoother. Finally, after the deposition of STA, surface shows large and small
clumps. Presumably, the large clumps represent BSA and the smaller ones repre-
sent STA. To measure adhesion between STA and the corresponding substrates, an
STA-coated tip (or functionalized tip) was used and all measurements were made
in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution, a medium commonly used in protein
analysis and to simulate body fluid. Figure 22.30 shows the adhesion values of var-