22 Characterization of MEMS/NEMS and BioMEMS/BioNEMS 1269
DLC and HDT , their surfaces show hydrophobic properties, and increasing relative
humidity does not play a large role in their friction force.
The influence of temperature was studied using a heated stage. The adhesive
forceand frictionforce weremeasured bymaking measurementsat increasingtemp-
eratures of 22–125
C. The results are presented in Fig. 22.49c, which shows that,
once the temperature is higher than 50
C, increasing temperature causes a signifi-
cant decrease of adhesive and friction forces of Si(100) and a slight decrease in the
case of DLC and PFPE. However, the adhesion and friction forces of HDT do not
show any apparent change with test temperature. At high temperature, desorption
of water, and the reduction of surface tension of water lead to the decrease of adhe-
sive and friction forces of Si(100), DLC, and PFPE. However, in the case of HDT
film, as only a few water molecules are adsorbed on the surface, the aforementioned
mechanisms do not play a large role. Therefore, the adhesive and friction forces of
HDT do not showany apparentchange with temperature.Figure 22.49shows that in
the whole velocity, relative humidity, and temperature test range, the adhesive force
and friction force of DLC, PFPE, and HDT are always smaller than that of Si(100),
and that HDT has the smallest value.
To summarize, several methods can be used to reduce adhesion in microstruc-
tures. MEMS/NEMS surfaces can be coated with hydrophobic coatings such as
PFPEs, SAMs, and passivated DLC coatings. It should be noted that other meth-
ods to reduce adhesion include the formation of dimples on the contact surfaces to
reduce contact area [13, 79, 81, 177,181]. Furthermore, an increase in hydropho-
bicity of the solid surfaces (high contact angle approaching 180
) can be achieved
by using surfaces with suitable roughness, in addition to lowering their surface en-
ergy [173,176].The hydrophobicityof surfaces is dependent upon a subtle interplay
between surface chemistry and mesoscopic topography. The self-cleaning mechan-
ism or so-called lotus effect is closely related to the ultra-hydrophobicproperties of
the biologicalsurfaces, which usually show microsculptures of specific dimensions.
22.6.4 Static Friction Force (Stiction) Measurements in MEMS
In MEMS devices involving parts in relative motion to each other, such as micro-
motors, large friction forces become the limiting factor for the successful operation
and reliability of the device. It is generally known that most micromotors cannot
be rotated as manufactured and require some form of lubrication. It is therefore
critical to determine the friction forces present in such MEMS devices. To meas-
ure in situ the static friction of a rotor–bearing interface in a micromotor, Tai and
Muller [187] measured the starting torque (voltage) and pausing position for dif-
ferent starting positions under a constant bias voltage. A friction-torque model was
used to obtain the coefficient of static friction. To measure the in situ kinetic friction
of the turbine and gear structures, Gabriel et al. [188] used a laser-based measure-
ment system to monitor the steady-state spins and decelerations. Lim et al. [189]
designed and fabricated a polysilicon microstructure to measure in situ the static
friction of various films. The microstructure consisted of a shuttle suspended above
the underlying electrode by a folded beam suspension. A known normal force was